General Discussion

General Discussioncancers in 4k SEA

cancers in 4k SEA in General Discussion

    Have you ever experienced getting matched with throwers feeders and noobs in Consecutive games, here i thought that i could get to 5k by next week.


      All 4k in any region are the worst possible teammates - they do know the game, but they know it superficially, without deep understanding of mechanics, timings and so on, cause they all think they are carries that deserve to be on 6k, but their teammates are burden, so that's why they lose the games, people just dont listen to each other and moreover do right the opposite of what u are asking them of on purpose. Worst mentality.


        Running down mid and feed over Lina throwing Q at one neutral creep that they are farming, pathetic piece of shit that need to be put down and I might as well give them a good piece of my mind if I ever had a rematch with them.


          I had this one game as earth spirit(couple of hours ago)one idiot picked clinkz as offlane, he was the last pick, we had a very good early game, we 2 supps ganked mid a lot and killed the offlane axe, but 20 mins in the game, clinkz always try to gank with only soul ring and treads and aquilla, he kept on dying and dying and eventually the other support had it and proceeded to feed the enemy team by going to their base, we tried to do our best(4v5) and managed to wipe the enemy team 3 times, but the other support still wont participate and kept on feeding intentionally, HOW TO DEAL WITH THESE TYPE OF GAMES? Report those players or let them ruin the fun of playing.

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            It's very weird recently too! I got A LOT of ez games because enemy don't pick support, they started throwing just because of a first blood and bunch of amazingly noob players because they picked something out of their pool
            And of course it happens to my team
            4k is like TILT OVERLOAD half of the games end like in 27 minutes


              Yeah, that's why its so hard to get to 5k, making it a game of luck, because these days most of the carry pickers start to tilt the moment the enemy gets ahead in terms of push or kills like in 11 mins they got 4 towers already or got 15 kills and your team have none. Carry pickers would fucking afk at the base or feed intentionally and flame everyone. 3 maximum reports isnt enough

              BSJ. LGD


