General Discussion

General DiscussionTips for supporting in safe lane?

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Tips for supporting in safe lane? in General Discussion

    I want to improve my skills.
    Answer me this if you can :)
    1. How to harass? (many times i fucked up the aggro and the creeps were split everywhere)
    2. When ^?
    3. Should i stay near the camps so my carry gets more exp or im staying with him in lane?
    4. Give me other tips



      1. By knowing how aggro works and keep note of them everytime you play
      2. Any time you can, but once the offlaner gets cucked you can do other stuffs like helping the midlane, stacking, snatching enemy rune, etc
      3. Never suck xp oh my god

      doc joferlyn simp

        1. go through the trees and harass from there if you are a ranged support hero. or if your carry has a good block you can go advance and hide in the trees, and then wrap around and kite the offlane. might even get first blood if there are a couple of stuns in your team. make sure you hit far enough not to draw creep aggro

        2. whenever the enemy offlane is in the lane. make the kid go to jungle. be careful though, when offlaners get enough levels (mostly level 4+) they can start to fight back if you over extend. some heroes such as timber/axe can even mess up your safelane extremely early. so read the situation right and act accordingly

        3. only stay in the lane if you are harassing. if not fuck off and go roam/ward/pull/stack/pickup that bounty rune if things look lax. you can never go wrong with stacking and warding, but for roaming you need to tell your teammates beforehand so they can prepare for your gank if not youre wasting time and leaving your carry unprotected

        when pulling be sure that every creep you pull will die, if not you are just making your carry use up his regen items tanking the creeps and last hitting under the tower, and then push the lane into the enemy tower because of the extra creeps that are alive, leaving him to farm under the enemy tower and being open to ganks

        4. leaving this to other people


          you can never go wrong with stacking

          Ya you can you think its funny to get cucked in the lane as CK, you go to jungle and you see fucking 3 stacks everywhere?

          Ce commentaire a été édité
          doc joferlyn simp

            Come on Bryant be realistic people won't stack 3x for every camp. I doubt that people can even stack 3x reliably. And how retarded do you have to be to stack camps for your single target damage carry, you're just making shit up


              1 hit out of agro range or use spells
              2 everytime if you have a chance to force him out the lane or kill him
              3 you should stay outside xp radius while harassing enemy or you can just pull & stack
              4 if your carry doesn't know about creep equilibrium try doing it yourself but pull can do it just never ever to give more xp and gold to the opposing lane at least carry a tp other lanes may fuck up don't just sit their in safe lane especially if you already fend off the offlane enemy you can start your ganks


                how retarded do you have to be to stack camps for your single target damage carry, you're just making shit up

                This shit actually happened before, you're underestimating the autism of the trench dude



                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    Just harrass, stack, and help lanes in need. If all of your lanes are crying for help. Breathe. Relax. Think for a moment. Now, naturally you would help your core, but if he is feeding, just find the player worth your effort and make sure they get fucking HUGE!


                      I literally goes 3-stacking if I hate the carry so much, like Spectre player.


                        Dont afk leech xp
                        Dont draw creep aggro


                          Safelaner support sucks just don't play it. Least fun role in Dota.


                            I enjoy it. Satisfying seeing the offlaner eff off to the jungle with his tail between his legs.


                              Thanks guys :)


                                1. right click them
                                2. when you want to burn their regen
                                3. don't leech exp
                                4. destroy enemy ancient

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                                    Okay mister 6kmmrbyplayingsupport


                                      Its just too much for me to farm every single creep and to carry the game most of the time. I enjoy supporting :)

                                      Ako ima neke promene u jungle sa CM zbog novi patch mozes li da me obavestis? Hvala(:


                                        don't start right clicking them when you are in the middle of a creep wave. walk up to them by clicking next to them, they should back off. when u are out of range of creep start right clicking.

                                        coming from the side helps, rather than just walking straight through the lane like a fool.

                                        sometimes just walking towards them zones them.

                                        also, when they have more creeps than you, you can harass more freely without fucking up the lane