General Discussion

General DiscussionLina in 7.06?

Lina in 7.06? in General Discussion

    With the new talent for lina (no more respawn time) is she still going to be a viable hero to play in the new patch?

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      who took the -respawn time anyway rofl


        yeah coz actually pro's picked lina w/o even getting the minus respawn talent.
        sf has been resurfacing quietly in the meta and lina is somewhat a soft counter to sf due to sf being a low hp fucktard.
        tho at this current meta since multiple camps with 1 minute spawn time perhaps pros would tend to pick greedier mid picks like ta/alch tho ( which is actually somewhat countered by lina) yeah she will most likely be viable but obviously not a tier 1 pick ( mainly because pro's would want to maximize the farm new camps would provide)


          tho not sure if lina can spam stacks with slave like she used to (pre-ti5 -> ti 5 meta) if she does then she has the potential to be a t1 pick


            They were buying bloodstone on her anyway


              Yea i think now she would still be a good pick but not a very consistent, i see necro going back into a mid because of the shrine changes, and the bloodstone+respawn talent on lina in late game is very good, i find taking the respawn talent over the 50 damage much more just because i already kill the enemy team fast enough


                after they moved the respawn talent pretty much no one took it anyway and she still got picked. She'll be fine likely

                white boy summer

                  actually carties deal more damage to towers, and lina is used to nuking the wave and leaving it so towers melt quickly by that change


                    I am just concerned for the well being of one of my fav heroes XD


                      You're forgetting the fact that Lina has insane attack range, damage and speed with talents and dragon lance... She is no longer solely a magical damage dealer... You can build her any way you want, same with SF and Ember... Potentially good against LD and Sniper considering their long range as well...


                        no one gets respawn talent on her , it was before that the level 10 respawn talent and cast range. cause it was so good. Bloodstone plus respawn talent? lul, nice joke


                          well damn dude if this is a joke, i will continue joking around cause this must be the best joke in the world