General Discussion

General DiscussionGirls that play

Girls that play in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    2 questions

    1) Why are girls bad at Dota?

    2) If a girl plays Dota, why do they ALWAYS-ONLY pick Wind, Lina, CM, Drow, Luna, Mirana, Venge?

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      nice questionnaire u got there

      lemme try too

      1)why are u gay?
      2)at which point/after what events have u realized that u're gay?

      doc joferlyn simp



          1. Girls are not bad at dota...
          2. Maybe cuz girls you met like those heros.
          3. I'm sure you got destroyed by girls more then once, but you haven't even realized it.

          Ce commentaire a été édité

            1) There are waaaaaaaaaaaay less girls playing than other (sorry, don't wanna assume a gender) which leads to less good players.

            I have to admit, that I personally don't know any girl above 4k (excl. sheevers) myself. But then, do you always know if your mate or opponent is one of the X-million genders out there?

            2) They don't


              "why girls are bad at dota?" that kinda triggers me though -_-

              doc joferlyn simp

                im gonna go and tell my bf to beat you up xdd

                Tommy Shelby

                  1. How else do they compensate your lack of skills in bed?

                  Player 123655765

                    they said that “all mammals essentially start as females” due to being "xx" chromosomes during inception.

                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                      1) most of girls don't take dota seriously & probably play cuz her friend/boyfriend ask them to play . some of them are serious & good player
                      2) idk how to answer this cuz i've met lots of girl gamer and all of them have different hero pool


                        im a gurl gamur, pls gift me 150 battle pass levels xoxoxo :pa_kiss:


                          you are not right about picks, I played with girls who play stalker,lc,huskar and silencer


                            They play ogre. usually supports because it is in their nature to support. It's more feminine. Than going around killing stuff


                              What. Such stupid stereotype. women play carry and can be aggresive...their nature is to support??. This sounds like male bs to me. Most girls I know, when playing carry role are so agressive none of guys can match them. Playing role is personal preference in game, just cuz you and your male buddy play mid and carry doesn't mean girls can't play those positions. Stereotypes trigger me so hard...

                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                It's like asking why girls are bad at driving.


                                  Yea women can be aggresive in bed too you know?


                                    What does that have to do with dota and gaming? You can find tons of perv forums and talk about your penis size there and enjoy with other dudes who like that kind of small talk.

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                      sjw mods in 3


                                        I should qualify what I said. I don't mean it's inherent as in predestined to play a more supportive role. I don't mean that in a prescriptive sense either. It's just observational (hence you are right it is sort of stereotypical) but it is just based on natural (I don't mean genetically but socially) tendency for women to take on more supportive typed roles. Not saying anything about competency either. Jesus Christ.

                                        There. You happy now SJW? if you are unhappy with my
                                        Observation then I suggest u get your intelligence checked by a certified intelligence doctor

                                        Ce commentaire a été édité
                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          ofc it will be banned and rightfully so, this is the kind of posts mods are supposed to ban instead ot lurking ayy lmao for nwords to detect and ban

                                          i follow Jesus.

                                            wow the mods sure are taking long to ban this huh
                                            its like asking why carry players play carry, girls like these heroes man, the same way 99% of 5 year old boys like hotwheels cars grills like playing grill heroes, it's natural
                                            i think that 60 ~ 70% of the dota community is ade up only by guys, and we actually dedicate ourselves to the game, grills have actual life outside the computer so they kinda like dont get good. there are grills who dedicate to dota and have super high mmrs, 4dr's grillfriend is like 5k btw, but the thing is that they dont really grind, they dont play solo as we do
                                            MODS PLS DONT BAN ME

                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf
                                              Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur
                                              doc joferlyn simp
                                                Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur

                                                  ^lul. Grabbing some popcorn


                                                    Haffy that's van worthy too


                                                      ofc it will be banned and rightfully so, this is the kind of posts mods are supposed to ban instead ot lurking ayy lmao for nwords to detect and ban


                                                        I know a girl IRL whos 5k solo and also play with a couple. In my experience its more due to the fact that guys get them into the game and chances are they play core and they learned as support with their friends and many of those heros are reliable supports.. cm of course standing out.

                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                          cant tell if u quoted my oost because u agree or because ure making fun of it

                                                          anw i got baited by a fat troll, im out

                                                            Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur
                                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf


                                                              Look at Sheever. Great example.

                                                              I do not see how posting about logic results in a ban?

                                                              grills have actual life outside the computer

                                                              If you call taking pictures of booty and posting it on IG/FB, and sending snapchat nudes and sitting at home, watching tv, sleeping in the living room "having a life" and wasting the time and money of the guy that likes me, but I do not like him as anything more than a friend that buys me things, then okay.


                                                                haha mods arrived see u (never again)

                                                                  Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un modérateur
                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                    actually nvm now im not sure if op is a commited troll ot just a retard :thinking:

                                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                      I don't see how this can get a ban, that is pretty sad honestly since I am not being rude, or trolly and have actual proof of this.

                                                                      actually nvm now im not sure if op is a commited troll ot just a retard

                                                                      It's 2017. Does trolling even work anymore? To do so is quite sad. So put me in the "retard" category.

                                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        To support your argument that you have "actual proof", you need to

                                                                        1) Provide a chart where CONFIRMED (and not catfish shit) females lose more games and compare it to the male version of the chart

                                                                        2) Show statistical reference where CONFIRMED females "ALWAYS-ONLY" pick the mentioned heroes

                                                                        If not you're just pulling shit out of your butt and just generally acting like an asshole


                                                                          You have a very poor understanding of girls bro.. And it irks me that you can just categorize them all in that lazy friendzoning body exposing bitchy way :/

                                                                          Grow up and meet real girls if you're indeed surrounded by those. And even if you were, none is telling you to stick to them, broaden your view and stop being an ass to every girl you haven't met yet.

                                                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                            ^^ You are a girl in 2k. What more proof do I need?

                                                                            Looks like you are doing international ranked, so welcome to low 3k I suppose.

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                              Why though, Sebastian?

                                                                              I want a girl to prove me wrong, add me on Steam, and get me and her shitty 3k party mmr to 4k. That will prove wrong.

                                                                              In my solo games (mid 4k, some 5k with int ranked) when a team had a girl (they would have an obvious girl name and profile) the team that had the girl usually lost.

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                I am a guy lol. I don't even have Battle Pass. Are you just randomly piecing words together and slamming your mouse until you accidentally hit "POST COMMENT"?


                                                                                  i know a girl whos higher mmr than u just by suping lmao

                                                                                  if low mmr girls are "subhuman" then u are a living garbage can, if anything


                                                                                    Saying girls are bad at dota is simply sexist and misogynistic. any comment based off the mean of a population without considering the variance is stupid.

                                                                                    apart from your stupidity, one of the reasons you think this, is because of bigots like yourself which means most girl-gamers stay off voice chat to avoid being abused/white-knighted/hit on.

                                                                                    the average male might be better than the average female at dota but I guarantee there are female players way better than you.

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      (they would have an obvious girl name and profile)

                                                                                      That in itself shows you don't know how a girl is. What if I told you every game I had in CS:GO had a girl profile picture and some girly name, at least 3/10 of the players. Then what if I told you those pictures were just snatched from Tumblr or Instagram and the name came from a pornstar or the guy's irl crush. I know this because my friends do this and I think they're retarded since they're catfishing


                                                                                        in all honesty. I think the majority of girls cannot put time into a video game like a guy could do. They're not wired that way by nature and also society keeps them from getting too into it.

                                                                                        but yeah, at least a fifth of dota players are female, and that stays true up until 5k probably.


                                                                                          more like society keeps them from that. And the ones that overcome those limitations generally don't stick with dota.

                                                                                          Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                            i know a girl whos higher mmr than u just by suping lmao

                                                                                            Why is that funny? Supporting and being good at it is actually how you climb. I main supp but have working on other heroes.
                                                                                            Thanks for reminding me that I need to supp these 3k retards in my 3k party games to get entirely out of 3k forever. IDK why, but party mmr is important to me 'cuz friends have both their rankings at at least 4k+ and I want to be able to party with them to keep the average mmr higher.

                                                                                            Saying girls are bad at dota is simply sexist and misogynistic.

                                                                                            How though?

                                                                                            I guarantee there are female players way better than you.

                                                                                            I very highly doubt that.

                                                                                            What if I told you every game I had in CS:GO had a girl profile picture and some girly name,

                                                                                            I would stop you and tell you you are assuming my idea of a girly profile, which you are doing, and I need to stop you because obviously you are putting words in my mouth, and I never claimed that girl profiles used certain defaults etc.

                                                                                            In fact, a girl can have the most brotastic profile ever, but what gives it away entirely is the Custom Info Box Steam provides to high enough Steam Level profiles.

                                                                                            I read that shit for ammusement, and I have at least 25 real girls in my friends. So I can tell between real girl and catfish pretty fast, especially since I used to catfish in high school lmao



                                                                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                                in all honesty. I think the majority of girls cannot put time into a video game like a guy could do. They're not wired that way by nature and also society keeps them from getting too into it.
                                                                                                but yeah, at least a fifth of dota players are female, and that stays true up until 5k probably.

                                                                                                Kind of. It's more society than them being "wired" a certain way. That actually makes sense.

                                                                                                I met a girl that added me on facebook from pinoy land. She is like 1.8mmr lol

                                                                                                Not to be mean, but she is clearly not good, but plays everyday. I find that cute, and awesome at the same time. I notice 3rd world & and non-US girls are more active on Dotes than their US counterparts lol

                                                                                                I have another friend, she is 3k, she is okay, and could use work, but the first step is her realizing her own mistakes and not flaming at minute 1. I haven't played with her in a while but it is fun to hear her argue with people since it gives me a solo feel since I crank up the volume when two doofuses are talking shit to each other via voice lmao

                                                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                                                  why are all weeaboos shit at dota fucking two


                                                                                                    a lot of them play league from what i spoke with


                                                                                                      死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                                                                        Why are girls bad at Dota?