General Discussion

General DiscussionFail Mid Lane ?

Fail Mid Lane ? in General Discussion
< Never Fear >

    how do we gonna do if as a midlaner and we losing the lane plus theres no one tp to the mid and help ? and ur team keep blaming you beside helping mid ??? some tips please :) sorry if my english broken


      jungle a little if you can and gank lanes.

      < Never Fear >

        as u can see my last invoker game , im the only one warding and I think it is not 5vs5 game mode (team game) XD

        < Never Fear >

          and when im jungling . they blamed me for my fail mid XD and keep blaming me coz not spamming skill for every 2 sec even I have no scepter yet .


            because you are a smurf. smurf pool is like that. every1 is selfish and want to 1 v9. every1 just blaming others. if they lose or get bad stats, they just make a new account. iits a shitty place to play dota


              ^ 1k mmr dont pay attention

              you have no wards in the middle lane or their team has good initiation when you cross out your tower.


                ^normalskill unranked don't pay attention


                  diox normal english kreygasm

                  Chao Vritra

                    i bring a sentry to with me to mid if I know there will be no supporting. Having vision is not needed, but certain opponents will stomp you if they have vision on you. Also do not be afraid to shrine early, that shrine is pretty much yours early game, not the junglers, not the carry's.


                      Mute team. If you are mid and no one supports you, you HAVE to buy your own ward before the minute mark (that is, if you can't avoid ganks with common sense).

                      Main trick to midding is harassing and abusing creep aggro.

                      If you lose the lane hard, you seriously just need to learn how to lane. Just watch some pro games, and guides about mid laning.
                      If you learn how to lane, and you just get crushed by say, a smurf - then you just go farm the hard + medium camp (stacking ancients if you are a flash farmer who can use them).

                      If you are a hero who can gank, go find a lane that is pushed in with the opposing hero playing too deep into his lane. Ez kills, and can get you back into the game.

                      If you are a hero who doesn't gank (ie. Invoker), use Forge Spirits and Alacrity to farm, and learn how to hit sun strikes.

                      Use the 3 closest shrines + runes for ez HP + XP.


                        Depends on your hero.
                        Sf, storm, invo, alch, jug. Can all be played mid and if pushed out of lane can rotate to jungle after pushing the lane out.


                          whats your real mmr ?


                            use mute function for flamers


                              Failing mid is fine as long as you ask your teammates to cooperate with ganks after laning phase, if you manage to pull off successful ganks, you will be able to catch up with the enemy, or just farm your first core item then proceed to gank(depends on your hero though)

                              < Never Fear >

                                thanks guys for the sharing . it will helping me a lot to improve as a midlaner . :)


                                  Blame your support for not rotating . Ask for ward and keep whining till you lose game . And all chat "gg sup no ward bobo tang ina mo"

                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                    Just avoid dying and secure those creep kills in the tower. If he is turtling aggro the creeps. Go to the nearest jungle if you can or rotate to top/bot for a kill.


                                      Ditch the lane and farm jungle, let your support leech exp


                                        Or you can follow what Kanna said, it's been proven to work...