General Discussion

General DiscussionCounter picking nyx assassin.

Counter picking nyx assassin. in General Discussion

    What are the heroes that really counters nyx? , he is really annoying top1 on the most annoying to play against with. :rage:


      bounty hunter and slardar both have ults that give true sight.


        Not hard counters


          100 gold, 3900 gold, 5manning and anything that isn't Intel

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            thanks guys

            1-IceTea 🌟



                @icetea uhh dude why do you have like a 20 losing streak in sd mode? haha

                Hatsune Miku

                  slark, he can deal wth carapace with dark pact


                    Just don't pick int heroes. Or weak carries that like to split push by themselves and have aoe spells that get fkd by spikes

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      ^^^I can get out if I wanted it's not like I am new to lpq,why almost every each one of you in Dotabuff need to be such a jerk whole you all are even below 4K?

                      You use a retard NS smurf ask a retard question and I answered nicely,what's wrong with you?

                      A noob fist forum that just for troll,wp

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                        Fuck that hero, really


                          Licetea everyone just enjoy trolling you because you are famous Lycan spammer and ppl just think u can't get out of lp because u only play one hero


                            I don't think u should consider heroes like slardar and bounty counters.


                              and because he gets triggered :)

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                But I could get out so easily,anyone with brain will know that.I get to 5K2 by only jungling which is impossible for most.(99.5+%) LP is just a metter that I wanted to clear it or nah.

                                Srs I don't think I will be lower then 6K if I try hard

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                                  What do you mean by counter? In what way in Lane? Mid Game?

                                  Naix's Rage deals with carapace in lane, dropping sentries or getting an early gem to counter vendetta.

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    i don't think there are really a specific counter for nyx but if i were to name one, i would say LS during the laning phase.
                                    Fighting a hero with 4 active abilities with 2 of them are stuns, of course you need spell immunity against him.
                                    you could burst him at mid game with any carry as long as you have a bkb with you.


                                      night stalker,slark,ursa

                                      Pale Mannie

                                        tanky heroes


                                          icetea is triggered 150% lmao he cant get out of lpq even he is on party XDD

                                          Preap Sovath

                                            Techies, Balanar, Zet, Gondar, Juggers


                                              strong burst damage.

                                              even if you have vision to nyx assassin he can just farm lane and escape. 50% full version.

                                              i follow Jesus.

                                                silences in general hard counter him
                                                spell-based hero with no reliable sources of escape aside from being invis or having a dagger

                                                The Medic Guy

                                                  sad licetea can't get out of LP because he can't get proper jungle hero


                                                    ay lmao help.