General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion about MMR

Question about MMR in General Discussion

    Since this game forces you to get 50% winrate, so this means you'll never improve your MMR after calibrating ? After several games into calibrating I notice that no matter how good you're playing, when you lose you'll lose MMR, so only snuff account who can reach 80% winrate on 1-3,5k bracket because they were a good 6k player originally were able to increase their MMR ? And with my winrate of around 43%, isn't this means I'm going to stuck in my (roughly) calibrated 1,8k ?

    I'm just new player, so sorry about this weird question.


      Forced 50% winrate doesn't exist
      You're just looking for excuses


        Performance matters during calibration
        Winrate doesn't
        What you think as "good" is probably not good enough to keep you at the calibration cap

        Goblin slayer

          Winrate is just a delusion. Who ever said that win rate affects on how you climb your current bracket? You win because you did the necessary things to win that game and not because that you believe you have a higher chance of winning. This is just a stupid thread in general.

          For example, just because Zeus has a 57% wr that doesn't mean when you play Zeus you can guarantee a higher probability of winning. What if you're abbysmal with Zeus despite the hero being strong. See what I'm imposing? Don't let your winrate fool you. It just determines on how you perform in the past and it never determines your future games.


            What I mean is that most people will going to hover at 50% win rate, means 0,5 win and 0,5 loss, and no matter how bad you are, if you win you'll get +25 and when you lose you get -25, then isn't this mean you'll never increase your MMR, unless you are so damn good and manage to snatch like 60% winning rate ? Atleast from several ranked games I've played, that's what happened.


              If you are playing with guys with same skill level as yours then probably you'll hover around 50% winrate, but if your the guy who started at 1K, but your skill level is around 6K then you'll win 80-90% of your games til you reach 6K.


                It's an exaggeration but most probably you'll win most of your games if you do not belong to low skill level bracket.


                  Basil I said I'm still new and I know I'll going to 2k bracket anyway. The real problem about in lower bracket like that is that winning needs your teammate, I already does several games that I think is good, but losing due to PA/LC comeback since I'm playing as support and the carry don't know how to push and I'm never enjoying playing cheese hero like those to chase the win.

                  Goblin slayer

                    <3k doesn't need teammates to win. You can literally play 1v5.


                      Spencer You can't when you love support heroes ( or when 4 of the enemy have the same net worth like you because 4 of other teammate actually choose to feed)

                      Smokey - Supp

                        I don't think you really believe you can 1 v 5 dota matches and win all the time? That's just naïve. The lower brackets do have some reason for concern although it isn't some "forced %50 win rate" bullshit xD its just the toxicity in the servers, the fact that valve really doesn't give a shit about mmr brackets below 3k (its true, deny it if you like, whatever makes you feel better) and the fact that Dota 2, over the last year or two has attracted a lot of new players, more than ever before and a lot of them didn't realise just how hard the game is compared to other competitive games, so they either troll or have given up on getting better and then play ranked with no desire to win, that's the biggest issue in 1 - 2k mmr bracket, is too many players just play ranked like its normal and don't care if they lose, but that fucks other people over who actually want to improve.


                          You dont need teammates to win in the trench
                          No need to rely on unreliable people


                            I 1vs5 every solo ranked game


                              Spencer's right. You don't need teammates less than 4K. If you are playing support on that bracket you'll rise very slow tho since most carries don't know what they're doing. If you really want to gain mmr. Avoid supports. Avoid team-oriented heroes. If your team doesn't have any support at least try supporting yourself. I pick mostly TA lately because he can obliterate a team singlehandedly. There were games where in I buy the courier, buy wards for myself, etc. because no one would or either all carry team. I have no intentions to discourage you playing supports, but seriously man. If you ever wanna play support. Pick a support which can transition to a carry.

                              Flat Breast Enjoyer

                                Guys i just want to ask cuz im new plyer
                                if my winrate around 80% when d calibrat. I will meet with 4K plyer or under 4k?
                                My winrate is still 60%


                                  ^lol you normal skill
                                  you must be <3k
                                  and winrate doesnt affect your mmr
                                  you really want to get high mmr huh? nature spam?
                                  just play in your main

                                  NB : max calibration is 3,5k even if you play like god you still get 3,5k max

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                    Sure there is forced 50 but you can cheat it by being good

                                    13 y.o (ghoul) (dead inside)

                                      No it means people have already climbed their mmr based on the amount of games they played and if its higher than 50%
                                      say someone with 5000 games, 52% winrate. means he won 2600 - 2400 matches, 100 games won = 2500mmr more or less.
                                      so he might have calibrated at 3500 but is now 6k even with 52% winrate. you dont need 80% winrate to climb.


                                        your mmr will improve after you improve


                                          Forced 50 is real. It's just built into the system. Every time u win u get +25 and games get harder. Some ppl cheat this by learning and improving so they keep winning.


                                            ^Jacked can you explain this to me pls? I can't believe you believe this trash!

                                            The forced 50% are so obvious. Even Gaben and Icefrog said : "The only way to keep a game as balanced as possible, is to keep every player's winrate at 50%" True story.

                                            I just quoted, so you have to believe me.

                                            also jdf8


                                              also jdf8



                                                  Wintersujn can u explain this to me pls?

                                                  wintersujn likes dicks

                                                  i just quoted, so you ahve to believe me


                                                    mmr is just a number


                                                      @best lvl 70 priest EU

                                                      But you didn't use quotes. So I dont have to believe you, sigh.

                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                        ^Checkmate kid, good luck next


                                                          Call me kid again and we'll have a problem.

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            Hey Wintersujn! You're a goddamn

                                                            commends swapper

                                                              You have 50% wr at mmr that represents your skill at the moment. 43% means you are dropping since you play worse than players at your mmr, thats just the fact no matter what you say about it. You get better at the game->you get mmr. Since you are new player you have absolutely no idea what playing good means so stop delusion before it becomes worse. Mmr is a product of improvement not the other way around.


                                                                Yo kiddo are u some fucking delusional kid? Kid know your place dota is for sane ppl.


                                                                  because i didn't calibrate at 1k, i calibrated at 6k and no i didn't grind my my accounts, they magically got to 4k+ by themselves

                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    ^I know what you did Cookie boi ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                                      Cookie make 3k 4k.....