General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes that feel still very useless even though farm as hell in your ...

Heroes that feel still very useless even though farm as hell in your guys opinion in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    My vote goes to LC , no ability outside duel that can help her actually do damage to someone in teamfight, kited forever, cannot initiate first in teamfight unlike other initiators (she can but with dagger + bkb +bm? TOO MUCH COST). No slow , No stuns. (Yes, i always lose with LC lul)

    others probably , Nature Prophet : taking farm , midas , shadowblade etc and still useless and die instantly in teamfight, his contribution to teamfight is only right click and long cooldown ult.

    Funky Mr. B

      First of all, I don't think she falls in the category you mentioned.

      Secondly, Legion is probably one of the best offlaners at the moment. Arguably top2 with Magnus the sole competitor. Because she can do so much with limited farm at the early-mid game. If you're a solo support, there's no chance in hell you zone a PMS LC out, you can only die. As for the "slow and stun" part, you do get a speed boost from the most underrated skill ever - the overwhelming odds, so that compensates for itself, the nuke part is also insane and not to be forgotten. The dispel is actually her most valuable asset later on. "Snowbally" as fuck tho.

      Nature Prophet : taking farm , midas , shadowblade etc and still useless and die instantly in teamfight

      You're kinda fucking yourself up right there. Farmed prophet is exactly something you don't want in a team fight. If that's happening, he's taking the enemy barracks without any effort.

      They may be underwhelming in teamfighting but they're not in any case "useless".

      Ursa would be my first guess though. Wraith King to some extent but I like keeping positive and finding use in every hero, doesn't mean I am correct anyway.

      Savvy Cat

        Legion Commander is too oft underestimated in her ability to crowd control with that purge and nuke of hers.


          The LC nuke is like a mini range echo slam


            And yet, 90% of rhe LCs i play with go 0-4-4-1. "Q is worthless spell"

            Fee Too Pee

              i played LC a lot. Overwhelming Odds is a nice spell ....... IN LANING PHASE. it did only decent nuke , and little movement speed for yourself in teamfight. its so underwhelming spell outside laning phase, seriously.

              Savvy Cat

                I strongly disagree.


                  If you are going jungle get 2 point in passive is the build. Get 4-2-2-1 build coz overwelming odds is the best spell in the game for chasing and fighting too pos 20-15 min

                  Potato Marshal

                    What are you talking about? Overwhelming odds does the most damage in teamfights. You do an extra 120 damage per hero.

                    casual gamer

                      heroes who can get kited, getting kited


                        lol i've seen too many LCs with 400 dmg and lose. i guess they usually itemize her wrong?

                        not arin

                          yesterday in pub one high mmr guy told me that you can just spam lc offlane and get 7k

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                            as a proper 3rd position shefeels like she could be good. but most ppl play her jungle


                              and if she's losing being a core with so much dmg. how do u win with her as a no farm no dmg hero tho?

                              Savvy Cat

                                I think she's like a spare Abaddon.


                                  Weakest hero in dota? Probably meepo.


                                    I agree with the NP part I have never seen a midas NP win


                                      hmmmmm , outside normal skill medusa is pretty useless because she don't push or deal damage that fast comparing to other carries and easy countered by dozen of heroes