General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone please advise me how to get out this 3k ?

Anyone please advise me how to get out this 3k ? in General Discussion

    I hope more advise with positive commends .


      Stop smurfing if you know you're not gonna survive there


        Git gud

        Welson Tayong

          you don't....


            First of all, don't smurf. It doesn't help you much on becoming better on the game. Second, there's a lot of learning materials on internet to help you get better. Example is Dota D. Bowie channel on youtube as he analyze pro's game. Lasty, AIM to GET BETTER on dota 2, mmr will just come with time as you get better in game.
            Sorry for bad english. lel

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            Joy Boy (pos1)

              Improve, watch replays and pros.


                best thing i can advise you is to analyse replays, watch guides or get a coach to personally teach you.

                if you realistically think someone can give you the knowledge to go +1k in a single forum post then you're so mistaken.

                it takes me 3+ hours of teaching my students to get them to get +300 mmr.


                  Can u coach me too pls so I get 300 mmr in 3 hours


                    coach yourself, you're already 6k, you should already know how to analyse replays

                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                      But I cant get 300 mmr in 3 hours sir


                        don't be a burden
                        stop smurf your mmr is higher than your skills
                        srsly you have too much death as a carry
                        don't blame team and think you're better than them
                        since you're playing at SEA try not to be a trash and get tilted
                        climb like a normal player don't whine like me


                          hahaha shadowblade and daedalus on wk

                          vanguard and blademail before blink on CW

                          maybe learn to play the game before smurfing

                          1-IceTea 🌟

                            Be a good jungler


                              @Thanks could u stop negative commends . You are not deserved to judge anyone here and 2k probably you are.
                              By the way i got with high win rate in wk .

                              Livin' Real Good

                                Play more, you barely play Dota. lol

                                Use chatwhell=mute

                                  In ur bracket. Jungling is the fastest mmr climb imo. I did with my bs.

                                  i follow Jesus.

                                    best cores to boost yourself are like troll warlord and drow ranger
                                    maybe wraith king too but i've never played with him, flee plays it with midas blink rush
                                    shadowfiend injoker and storm are excellent mid heroes that can snowball and comeback pretty well (maybe sf isnt on the comeback part xd)
                                    the only way to get more mmr is being better on the game. so watch replays of the hereoes you want to learn/are in the meta all the time you're looking for a match
                                    in 3k most people are decent at cs, but the ideal is getting 80 cs at the 10 minute mark so watch some games to check that out and learn about laning because that is insanely important
                                    idk what else i can say i'm just bad xd


                                      what the fuck you are 3k but you obviously have some mental disability and poor understanding of the game based on your item. but good news is this means you are really talented at the game to get 3k just by outplaying people. lul


                                        could u stop negative commends . You are not deserved to judge anyone here and 2k probably you are.
                                        By the way i got with high win rate in wk .

                                        I'm done


                                          stupid build + high winrate = dota genius man.

                                          Player 404335202

                                            Cookie how many fees u take for coaching ?


                                              Play on your main account and keep a >50% winrate. After enough games, you'll get there.


                                                yeeh good job boy, every game you play you die more then you get kills, you buy shit items in almost every match

                                                you're a backpack. you are 3k because you get carried by your teammates, only reason you ever got this high was thanks to smurf abuse.

                                                when i see people that die 10 times every match as core and 15+ times as support there is obviously something wrong with decision making/map awareness/positioning

                                                also based on the items you buy you seem to lack basic understanding of the game. as centaur you buy vanguard and blademail which are bad/unneeded items on CW and even dumb to buy together. you delay the blink to minute 40, therefore missing the window (min 15-25) where you're supposed go threaten enemies by blinking on them when smoke-invading and such, thereby giving your cores the ability to farm (aka space created) and deny enemies farm.
                                                initiation and map controle in the mentioned timespans is they main job of the offlaner, if you dont do it because you get your blink at min 40 you dont understand the hero and the role.

                                                deadalus on wk, you already have a crit, what you need is stats and attack speed, also lacking basic knowledge of the hero.

                                                Dying 15+ times on a support regularly shows that you cant play supp. therefore when you play carry you dont understand the capabilities and needs of a support which limits your synergies.

                                                i could go on but i guess you got my point.

                                                and yes i am currently calibrating at 2.7, but watch my ranked matches. I know im
                                                not 3k, thats why I abandoned my second match so that i dont get smurf detection.
                                                im 2.7 because thats my place, you should learn your place as well.
                                                when did you last go 13 0 17 on a carry or 9 9 32 on a support?
                                                theres only 500 mmr between our matches so the skill difference in enemies cant be the reason.

                                                Learn to play support
                                                -increase synergy (teamwork) with support
                                                -increase map awareness when you play carry
                                                = die less as carry

                                                dont take stupid fights = less deaths = more farm =more gold

                                                which you should learn to spend on good items not some stupid out of place items

                                                =welcome to 3.5

                                                Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                  Do you actually have faith on this guy or you're just hoping to help other people? I hope its the latter


                                                    I might get matched with him when im on my way up and he's on his way down. so i'd prefer he increases so that we dont meet

                                                    Giff me Wingman

                                                      I don't see an issue
                                                      Ranked MM 87 44.83%

                                                      U're already on ur way out

                                                      average kebab enjoyer

                                                        could u stop negative commends . You are not deserved to judge anyone here and 2k probably you are.
                                                        By the way i got with high win rate in wk .


                                                          "Give advise"

                                                          gets advised to stop memeing and make stupid builds

                                                          "stop negative comments" in orang utan english

                                                          SEA kappa


                                                            I was 2.9K 2 weeks ago. I'm now 3.4K. Spam Templar Assassin. :laugh:


                                                              Give it a few more time and you'll get out of 3K....... down to 2K. :highfive:


                                                                I gained 1k mmr without playing any match 😏

                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  ^You and me both ;)

                                                                  Celine Bidon

                                                                    im 3k !!


                                                                      Except that I gained 625 mmr afterwards while you lost 200

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        Except that it wasn't me that lost the MMR it was the brother of the previous owner. Remember I was at like 49% winrate on it


                                                                          Bws u think because you gained mmr on a 3k acct it makes u 3k? Yup it does. Can I have your 2k acct?

                                                                          Quas wex exort

                                                                            @Win Win @CAPTAIN OBVIOUS donate me your trash 3k mmr account. please huhu i wanna play in 3k mmr so badly


                                                                              get deported and play in a server where there is no toxic people.

                                                                              or have you ever heard of push?


                                                                                U suck