General Discussion

General DiscussionIs 800lh in 30min as tb possible?(in 1vs0 lobby)

Is 800lh in 30min as tb possible?(in 1vs0 lobby) in General Discussion



      800 is too much for 30 mins i think
      My record is as anti mage 30 minutes with 350lh


        30 min 650 antimage and I was sloppy as fuck with my pattern


          Also fx was talking probably talking about this case of 1v0 empty lobby


            Damn, never get more than 300 on 30minutes match


              i dont think thats possible


                in an empty lobby should be yes, in a real game, no way.


         although I got carried to victory to be honest


                    Ofc on empty lobby. I can get 800 lh in 30min as am but at bot match lul

                    Potato Marshal

                      Why do you need 800 specifically?


                        IN 6.88


                          CS LUL

                          and ofc it's possible it actually is a great practice for ur micro. i got 900 with meepo not tried tb yet tho :thinking:

                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                            Meepo is too ez. You can have 100 cs in 10min and its in ranked


                              why do u care about that autistic challenge ??




                                  Dude that's like over 200lh/10min that's crazy shizzle.
                                  Challenge Accepted.
                                  In an empty lobby. With 6 battlefurys.
                                  Highest I've ever gotten in bots was like 500 by 30 and I was proud lul.


                                    @iz smurf
                                    Cause alchemist is overrated and we like the gold sound.


                                      As Naga it's probably possible but TB i doubt it, unless you go for some bizarre item builds

                                      even then i only got 700lh in 30 minutes as naga but im a p shit naga

                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                        With 6 battlefurys.



                                          yep, i got like 850 with terrorblade

                                          start in the offlane, not the safelane and just cut creepwaves

                                          i got like 200 lh in 14 min like that with terror, rest is super easy

                                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                                            Does this improve a lot of your farming pattern

                                              Ce commentaire a été supprimé

                                                Don't judge dude it makes more gold sounds. New Meta TB, no meta, just bf's

                                                Ce commentaire a été édité



                                                    no it doesnt do shit u just gona lose brain and fingers
                                                    then que ranked
                                                    pick tb
                                                    lose lane
                                                    get reported
                                                    enjoy lp


                                                      For me the 30 min trying to get max cs i could really helped my micro and i gotta redo it since i changed my micro keys and added camera positions

                                                      a naga tip: if u have camera positions farm pattern goes like : have camera positions fixed on places u want to send illu. Then after spawning illus have each one on one key and mantas on another. Now do this:

                                                      click on illu hotkey > click on camera position hotkey > right click in middle of screen > hold shift and A click enemy fountain from minimap

                                                      again do it with next. it gets too easy if u do it in demo first then lobby cs challenge

                                                      my gp control units are 2345 btw and 2 is manta 345 are q illus. my camera postions are alt2 alt3 alt4 alt5
                                                      so like 2>alt2>rightclick>shift+a click enemy base >> 3 and so on

                                                      d e m o h e r o masterracr


                                                        I had a pretty good illu micro.




                                                            it helps your micro and farming patterns quite a lot, lets you farm on complete autopilot at fastest possible patterns

                                                            so you can think about other things like when/where to push

                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                              I shall try that

                                                              Player 404335202

                                                                I ve done 3000 last hits in 20 min ! Please perma ban me gg mods


                                                                  29:40 (creeps ended on me)

                                                                  safelane, didn't do any shenanigans, just hit creeps and transition into farming the whole map.

                                                                  not sure what shenanigans you gotta do to get 800+, but whatever it is would never apply to a real game.

                                                                  definitely didn't play perfect, I realized at 3 minutes I should be stacking my jungle with illusions, missed some CS, etc. but idk 800 seems unlikely. I was getting about 50cs/min by 25mins (farming the entire map and waiting on respawns, even lane creeps) but not fast enough to catch up from the first 10-15 mins deficit.

                                                                  apparently 850cs in 30 mins empty lobby doesn't actually make you a god at farming I guess

                                                                  antimage since this hero always farms. (i cut a similiar sample size since his acc is new/not many am games)



                                                                  Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                    ^mb ure just b444444d


                                                                      if you check items, i have +1 2k item by the same time



                                                                        By the time you get abyssal, I have both abyssal and butterfly, plus 4 mins of farm (~3000 gold probably)

                                                                        You really can't say you have more farm by just looking at average item timings.

                                                                        Conveniently it says 773 vs. 773 so we didn't have to fight over this.

                                                                        I'm not saying you're bad, my only point is empty lobby shenanigans are pointless. They don't make you any better at farming.

                                                                        tbh it's kinda cool how our stats are almost identical.

                                                                        Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                          ye probably stacking early and microing each illu + getting smth like a boot aquila radiance travels manta (or idk if manta first is better needs test)

                                                                          with meepo it's like u just go from top to the bottom with each meepo after some point and get the whole cs in map maybe miss some lane new spawns for travels cd or smth


                                                                            that's what i mean with the 800, it's easy to farm when you have bfury, that's why i added the 600 version

                                                                            the 800 version is farming as fast as possible with no items

                                                                            also what i just noticed is i get other items before finishing abyssal, i get like linkens or mkb or butter then i finish abyssal.

                                                                            probably because i just rat and dont fight

                                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                              yo marlan u in dbuff discord or did u quit? it was actually fun having u there :))


                                                                                Feelsbadman i cant carry 1vs5


                                                                                  there's a thing tho, u call these shinanigans that dont effect ur game and while that might be true but it kinda makes u find more ways to find farm and create space in a real game in a way. ?


                                                                                    though i can't dissagree that you'll never play like this in a real game

                                                                                    it's simply something you use when given a perfect scenario for a single perfectly fast pattern, which only happens once or twice per game.

                                                                                    realistically even my antimage playstyle is different from the non stop farm only thingy this challange is

                                                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                                                      when it was patch 6.88 i got 525 at 35 minutes with bf was afk farm almost


                                                                                        this practice is for ppl who havent excelled at farming mostly tho. like there's no point in marlan doing it since he knows how to play in a real game the right way with low chance of fuckin up. i would say u guys simply need a new challenge.


                                                                                          some things do apply to real games, like cutting the creeps at T3s when you can't find farm is a common tactic.

                                                                                          but most things don't really apply.

                                                                                          @sia and idk i was hardly even active there to begin with. i just wanted to play some dotabuff inhouses but those never happened so..


                                                                                            my record is something like 700 lh but it was an hour+ game on am, but I'm 800 mmr so can u rlly flame that hard?
                                                                                            I know my bf timing is beyond ass, but I got trashed in lane, and I went for talon first to try to jungle cuz I just cud not lane at all.
                                                                                            they just kept following me if I showed in lane wherever it was.
                                                                                            but eventually I got farm, and in 1k they don't know how to push fast and end games so we won a game that we realistically shudnt have.


                                                                                              Buying a linkens when you you can buy agh lul


                                                                                                  @marlan ye anyway cool to have u around add me in this one if u would (cant add) 377109982


                                                                                                    lmao I'm surprised how everyone has ~ the same gpm with that hero XD


                                                                                                      "i got like 200 lh in 14 min like that with terror"

                                                                                                      apes strong together

                                                                                                        I dunno about that man my record with AM is 900 at 40 minutes in a solo lobby