General Discussion

General DiscussionCalling 1-IceTea ( and some other enthusiasts who live in dotabuff city)

Calling 1-IceTea ( and some other enthusiasts who live in dotabuff city) in General Discussion

    What went wrong with my lose games with lycan?

    Did I suck at
    -map control
    -good teamfights
    -downing towers

    What should be my tower damage at the end of the game?


      If u got enough map awareness u will remember when u saw enemy last time. Always be far from them but dont let them see u in map. If u do make sure the enemy is already busy or u have ward near their tp spots like shrines so if they rotate u tp to other lane and push there. Do this or Farm till a fight accures away from u while ur lane is pushed then drop tower.

      Other situation is u know u'r stronger than the enemy so u gank/fight them and kill some key heroes then let team push one lane while u tp to another and push that one at the same time or if the respawn time is high and ur teams cds dont llimit u go with team and drop towers in a sec maybe go high ground. Again, if u know u wont be able to take at least 2 towers with team just tp and take one by urself.

      Try to push out every lane so u have options if u dont u couldnt rat properly


        don't pick lycan if your team has drow and luna , it will destroy your laning stage and you want your lanes to do kinda o ok so they can fight at least while you rat .

        side not : i really hate playing as lycan vs sniper , as much as it is easy to kill him it is extremely hard to push vs him

        still w8 for a better player to take a look

        1-IceTea 🌟

          All thouse you mentioned you need to get better,and Lycan work wonder if he have good-long CrowC initiate team,magnus,X for example

          When you have X,Sladar,KotL ect. as enemies don't pick Lycan,he is easily counter by thouse

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