General Discussion

General DiscussionMedusa 7.04

Medusa 7.04 in General Discussion
Ryan Gosling Fan

    How to play Medusa this Patch?


      Don't play Medusa this patch.. High mobility hero is meta.. Medusa doesn't do shit to any hero.. Unless the game goes 60 min....also..medusa is very support dependent.. Or buff dependent.. Her atck speed.. Damage... Both are shit.. She was good against sven.. But this patch is all about troll Jugg.. They end the game too quickly for medusa to even come to relevance.. Another problem is medusa is a niche pick.. If you've got mid storm or invo.. Your ultimate fucks their combos up.. The whole team suffers Alot.. N opponents gain an early advantage.. Comeback is also nerfed.. So just don't pick medusa

      Mikha Lim~

        Dead as fck. As long as early game dominance is in the meta, medusa is dead.

        Ryan Gosling Fan

          What if i tell you i have 75% winrate in over 40 games with Medusa since 7.00?
          And 100% in 7.04

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            you play her pretty much the same way you played her before. You farm, try to avoid fights, and get to the point that you don't die and deal damage.

            1-IceTea 🌟

              What if I tell you I don't care your tackiness at all and only hit your tower?

              Dire Wolf

                Not much has changed. For a small time I think dominator was really good on her, not now. Mask of madness is good on her for farming but it too was good prior.

                Good items to build with optional items in parenthesis:

                Phase boots
                (dragon lance)
                (mask of madness)
                (manta / s&y)
                (silver edge)
                butterfly/linkens/daedulus/bloodthorn fill remaining slots.

                Basically you always want phase boots and skadi, and I would always get a causal yasha. Whether you upgrade it or sell it is up to you. I put lance as optional cus it extends your attack range beyond split shot range and thus some players don't care for it. Mjollnir can be really good for farming/fighting, I skip it usually. Linkens should be optional, not rushed. Skills are max snake first, at least a value point in shield, then as needed, take whatever talents you want, the only one that seems significantly better is 600 mana over +1 split shot targets. In an ideal world my 6 slotted medusa would be boots, butterfly, skadi, mkb, daedulus, bloodthorn.

                Ramtin H

                  medusa just takess sooooo much to come online just compare him to guys like am,jug,troll and....
                  so she is not good in this meta unless the retarded enemy team instead of taking throne afk farm till 60 min that then u will come online other wise its just nothing to do about it

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                  Cancer Malaria

                    if your team has 2 support and 1 offlaner and has a DROW carry, then sure go for medusa. but she takes a lot of farm, dont pick her if your team already has more than 2 cores


                      Did anyone look at this guy's profile?

                      Dire Wolf

                        I didnt' say she was great, just that you play her like before. I don't think she's awful if you are good at farming and actually push instead of afk farming jungle and ancients and don't fucking rush linkens cus you'll have no dmg. With mask and split shot I was dropping tier 2s uncontested like 15 mins in, kind of like a mini drow.

                        GRANT MACDONALD

                          I think shes a decent counter to an enemy turtle strat. If theyve got any combo of techies/pit/sniper/disruptor and you just cant take HG, a Dusa is nice to have to simply gobble up all the farm on the map, get 9 slots and then just push with ult

                          Ryan Gosling Fan


                            Medusa comes online in First 10 min of a game. All you need is dragonlance and lvl 10, than you go push with your team. her dmg Output in early is just freaking insane with mystic snake and 140 rightclick. Magic Wand makes you tanky as fuck. Check Profile all my games are 30 min stomps. I even pick dusa into am cuz i know ill have mega creeps by the time He finished his manta.

                            Ryan Gosling Fan

                              I know thats some freaking shit right Here But in my opinion as Hardcore Medusa spammer. This hero was never stronger than it is right now.

                              mr. rabbit

                                i saw one of ee's dusa games in his dotabuff where he built blademail against some bursty lineup hes spamming medusa and alch a while back u might consider taking a look at his games