General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to discard a static item build mentality?

How to discard a static item build mentality? in General Discussion

    My own mentality costed me some of the game that could have been won. How do one develop a way to build item or pick a hero flexibly not sticking to the same tactic like an automated robot?

    doc joferlyn simp

      at the start of the game when runes are about to spawn, check the lineup and think of what should be taken if you are playing a versatile hero. this is the best time to think about item/skill builds because the laning stage will be busy and the midgame skirmishing is more so

      dump everything in quick buy if you cant seem to remember. shift + queue + click item to stack items in quickbuy

      fear is the mind killer

        just imagine your hero crushing everyone in the game at 45min: what are his items ?

        fear is the mind killer

          ask yourself this question when its time to get big items

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Keep reminding yourself in a game then
            Keep mumbling
            "Revolutionary 3 Aquilas" when playing Riki

            doc joferlyn simp

              the 3 aquilas was insult to injury, a reminder to og that even tho ig riki barely touched lane creeps and was camping jerax 24/7, which means less or no guaranteed farm, he was still able to shit on them with something close to a meme build


                Stop watching pro players play and copy their build with improvised version to suit your gameplay

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  ye like dragon lance ck

                  casual gamer

                    engage your brain

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      ^Do this.
                      Btw I build exactly same item in exactly same order and having my solid 73+% winrate from 4.6-4.8K


                        Making your own builds and then refining them can be helpful for that. I like to think of the one or two items that I'm going to get on a hero nearly every game and whether there's alternatives, then have a decent pile of things I may get lategame with the most likely listed first.

                        It's also a good way to remember to get things like wind laces and raindrops, which I'll often forget but can make a massive difference in some games.

                        Dire Wolf

                          sometimes it's better not to overthink it and use a static item build tbh. I have been playing some weaver, and while maybe the order changes a tiny bit, linkens is almost always a good pickup, and lance and deso are core. My items almost never change for the first 3-4 items, what changes is the order. Cus I'll always get treads, aquila, lance, perserverance, desolator. Then finish linkens. But sometimes in lane I'll pick up the blightstone early, or finish aquila first. Other times I need a ring of health to stay in lane or need lance first to get cs against ranged supports.