General Discussion

General Discussionhow do i play legion

how do i play legion in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    i don't usually play this hero often, I am interested in getting better with legion because I like how much power she can get just from proper timing and positioning. So last night I played two legion games in a row, first game mid (I did not want to go mid but it was vs a pudge and ended up working out) the second game I played jungle.

    Both games went the same way...Started amazing, had a good 4-5 kills in the early game with no deaths. Had decent duel damage.

    But both games I seem to have fallen off a cliff mid game. Despite having well over 200 duel damage I was still getting demolished late game. Both games I got a little cocky and built dumb items because I thought we were winning, but even so I am surprised we lost.

    In the second game it got to the point where despite a great start, we kept losing team fights. At one point I was just trying to rat duiring teamfights, at one point I was able to take out the enemy mid tower and racks because of all my damage. Then I got to a point where I just kept dying. T

    The first game I was dumb and went shadow blade after blink (I was really ahead and thought it would help me to not die)

    The second game we were really ahead so I went S&Y just for the hell of it. The move speed was nice but it was a horrible decision.

    So just looking for any kind of tips on legion in general. I feel I performed amazingly in the early game, but mid-late game I just fell off both games.

    Idk in one of the games we had a PA that went crystallys first item, so I was skeptical from the start

    Chao Vritra

      would a bkb had made a difference in either of these games?


        you pretty much get like blink deso and then just build attack speed and tankiness

        Chao Vritra

          i have just been playing like **** lately I had the damage to carry both of those games and I just messed up. I think I was just too greedy in item building and should have gone bkb.

          And yeah I was doing blink into deso, each game began really well.


            Legion is a position 4 hero which people get enamored with because the amount of duel kills and youtube videos of OMG 788 DUEL DMG AND 2 shotting enemies.

            Most people afk jungle legion when their team doesnt need a jungler or a jungler hurts them, hit creeps for 15 mins, dont stack anything for the carry or continue to jungle and suck all the farm after duel kills.

            Pro scene legions are played for the lockdown of duel and dispel of PTA since diffusal doesnt work on allies. Point being if you want to take over the game, pick a core, learn how to lane, learn how to farm efficiently and go win the game.

            Fox McCloud

              The problem is on both games you didn't play him on his objectively BEST lane - offlane with a partner. When you jungle you're probable ruining your team's early tempo, and when you mid you rob off the chance of a better midgame hero in the role.

              With max Overwhelming Odds and Phase Boots you demolish pretty much any carry-support duo in the offlane.

              Jungle LC is trash (keeps you from maxing Odds which is your best early game skill), and mid LC ... Eh there are better heroes for that.

              Fox McCloud

                Oh and NEVER build Deso on the guy. Get Blademail and Armlet into BKB instead, for example.

                Don't think of him as a right clicking position 1. Your only source of raw damage should be duel damage.


                  Jungle LC is trash in the real meta but it's a good way to pubstomp if you know how to jungle properly


                    If you want to play lc pub, keep on mind its about duel dmg, i see many ppl build dmg oriented builds which is dogshi.t, if you want to play well the hero rush blink, and getting duels on cd, call team always before you go, if team help you (sometimes one hero is enough ) and you get few duels, you can solo duel support ez snowball hard, build stats items,attack speed etc as you should always have enough right click dmg from duels


                      deso legion isn't bad if ur ahead.
                      armlet is ok
                      just buy bkb and get tanky.


                        Legion is a pos3/4 hero who is able to transit into a secondary pos1 carry as the game goes longer. She is good against enemy carries who rely on right click or rat, has a very strong dispel and stop pushes well with overwhelming odds. The thing though, is how people play her when duel is on cooldown. She isn't played like a pa who blinks in and start right clicking everything she sees, but more of a support behind the line throwing off 1st and 2nd.

                        And yes, she doesn't need damage items. Typically I rush dagger > blademail, as this setup will ensure that I can win duels even if their carries are ahead of me and is the core of lc. After that its really situational, silver edge if there's a pa, bkb if there's a shit ton of nukes. The only real damage items I build are deso and daedalus. Deso is amazing for early towers, but daedalus is more of a meme item for me. Somehow I like seeing big numbers :3

                        I usually go 4121 in my skill build, never underestimate the power of overwhelming odds at early game, even if you are jungling. I usually pick lc if there is an invoker in my team or if the enemy team has ember, am, np, or one of those really sneaky heroes with high mobility. Then maybe I will get a force staff or dagon to pop their linkens lol.

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          Play LC when your teammate have global skill like SunStrike or Zeus ect.It help alot


                            here's my build git lc with 85%wr
                            go jungle rush blink>boots of course>blademail>silver edge(optional) after that build taras or assault cuiras i always build taras actually up to you if bkb first


                              If your ahead it could be a good idea to just skip blademail. especially against carries that require farm to start dealing damage or heroes that rely on their spells for damage.

                              Midas 👋🏻

                                With silver edge damage being nerfed and recipe increase.Idk if buying SE is good for her.


                                  Blademail imo should always be a core, 2.3k for an item that scales directly to your enemies' and going through bkb is too good to pass up for a hero that forces enemy(ies) to attack you, similar to Axe. For SE, typically its for the break to counter specific heroes, like Timbersaw, Bristleback, Enchantress, PA before she gets bkb etc.

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    the break effect from se isnt dispellable by any dispel and can still proc through bkb


                                      ^compare it with mine

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        playing lc at 1k and winning wow u must be a god


                                          u fuckin....


                                            especially when it's literally the only hero you win with


                                              the item build every game is [STARTING ITEMS] [MAYBE RAINDROPS] blink blademail bkb into [SITUATIONAL ITEM]

                                              mid or carry

                                                Rush blink dag and map awareness thats it. Aim the weak one be a bully and you will gain a lot of Duel damage make sure if you are ganking have some mates to help you or at least 1 to make damage ,global skill heroes will help you to boost your duel damage like invo ,Zeus or NP. As I say MAP AWARENESS is the key for LC you don't need to farm from start until the end. you need to farm rush dagger then farm kills /duel damage thats it. If you can't find kills back to farming but take note about how long you will back to farm and when you will start to gank. Its hard to explain but always Watch your replay so you will know your mistakes .

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                                                Mikha Lim~

                                                  Play him as an offlaner since you have the ability to zone out the safelaner and the support(s) if you do it correctly. Otherwise, if they pressure you off that hard lane you can always go to the side offlane jungles and farm their(but you have to protect the lane if their creep wave hits your tower.)

                                                  * = Optional

                                                  Early Game(before 10 mins):
                                                  Regen items(tangoes, salve and other shits)
                                                  Phase boots
                                                  Rain drop*
                                                  Soul Ring*
                                                  Wind Lace*

                                                  -You should be prioritizing your farm and try to occasionally zone out the enemy safelane if possible. Always try to reduce the enemy's hp so by the time that you get your ultimate you can easily kill him and get your first duel victory.
                                                  -Don't be shy to ask help from your supports and mid to get your first duel victory. Or you can also smoke up and gank other weak lanes once if you have your ss up.

                                                  Mid game(10-30 mins):
                                                  SB/S. Edge*

                                                  -Once you get your initiation item(dagg or sb), you should start ganking 80% of the time.
                                                  -Snowballing is key. You should be looking for kills because your number of duel victories determines your late game capability.
                                                  -Prioritize kills than afk farming.

                                                  Late Game:

                                                  -Ideally, you should have 100+ duel dmg if you have a decent LC game. At this stage, you have the power to initiate fights and quickly kill supports. With more damage or better items, you can even start targeting tanks and cores.
                                                  -You are the pos 3 so never be afraid to make bold plays since you are able to secure space for your farming carry. You can tank and waste all the enemy skills so your carry can safely jump and aid you in the team fight.

                                                  Skill Progression:

                                                  Level 10;
                                                  20% XP Gain = if you're behind
                                                  +7 Strength = A MUST PICKUP
                                                  Level 15:
                                                  +30 dmg = A MUST PICKUP
                                                  +20 ms = if you have trouble catching the enemy
                                                  Level 20:
                                                  +7 armor = if their source of damage are physical
                                                  -20sec respawn time = if you die often
                                                  Level 25:
                                                  +40 duel dmg per victory = get this if you're confident in killing the enemy easily
                                                  -8s press cd = if the enemy has too many disables and debuffs

                                                  Conclusion: LC is spammable but a little bit too tricky to play since most of your early game depends in your ability to kill. LC is a snowballing hero, you need to have a good early and mid game in order to win or else, you will be totally useless late game.