General Discussion

General DiscussionAny advice on this timber game except destroying the enemy ancient an...

Any advice on this timber game except destroying the enemy ancient and getting good in General Discussion
    I know I won but I played so incredibly bad.
    28 min bloodstone wtf is wrong with me.
    but yeah any changes in items, or playstyle, or farming.
    I had a real hard time csing against tinkers base dmg, and once he got a couple points in march I cudnt tank it.
    maybe get talon and jungle? the only reason I was doing ok in the matchup was because of bounty.
    then I died in ways I just shudnt have, and I got really behind.
    any advice in the context of sub 1k shit tier crap storm wud be appreciated.



      one syllable anglo-saxon

        Я ловлю, ловлю сигналы
        До свидания, до свидания
        Кто-то не успел сказать
        Грустный дэнс мы будем танцевать
        Я ловлю, ловлю сигналы
        До свидания, до свидания
        Кто-то не успел сказать
        Грустный дэнс мы будем танцевать
        Грустный дэнс мы будем танцевать
        Грустный дэнс мы будем танцевать
        До свидания, до свидания
        Грустный дэнс мы будем танцевать
        Танцевать, танцевать, танцевать

        [Первый куплет]
        Тихой ночью плачу, милый, до свидания
        Красными платочками слезы прикрываю
        Я уже скучаю, по тебе скучаю
        Буду ждать с любовью новое свидание
        Я простилась с тобой этим летом
        Сохрани навсегда все секреты
        Навсегда запах твой на моих волосах
        Отпускаю тебя, пусть уходит твой страх

        Я ловлю, ловлю сигналы
        До свидания, до свидания
        Кто-то не успел сказать
        Грустный дэнс мы будем танцевать
        Я ловлю, ловлю сигналы
        До свидания, до свидания
        Кто-то не успел сказать
        Грустный дэнс мы будем танцевать
        Грустный дэнс мы будем танцевать
        Грустный дэнс мы будем танцевать
        До свидания, до свидания
        Грустный дэнс мы будем танцевать
        Танцевать, танцевать, танцевать

        [Второй куплет]
        Не успел, не сказал «до свидания»
        Ты же знаешь меня — я случайно
        Я ловила, ловила сигналы
        А сама о тебе лишь мечтала
        Я никем не была так любима
        И любовь наша неповторима

        Я ловлю, ловлю сигналы
        До свидания, до свидания
        Кто-то не успел сказать
        Грустный дэнс мы будем танцевать
        Грустный дэнс мы будем танцевать
        Грустный дэнс мы будем танцевать
        До свидания, до свидания
        Грустный дэнс мы будем танцевать
        Танцевать, танцевать

        mr. rabbit

          not a mid player so i cant comment about the matchup but u dont need a talon on timber to farm jungle fast, arc-soulring trick almost gives u infinite mana just dont use other spells except timber chain when farming since its the most damage to mana efficient spell u have

          also timber is one of the heroes who can creepskip really early into the game to get some farm in but like most other heroes u have to realize what can kill u

          what were ur items before bloodstone, did u have a hood?


            thx guys rlly appreciate it

            mr. rabbit

              also if u got a quelling blade u almost have the same click damage as tinker ur only problem would be if he uses laser to mess ur cs but that prob wont happen in ur games l0l


                I needed qb and I got it too late.
                I went qb bottle arcanes cloak (not full hood)
                there was a sr somewhere in there


                  also idk exactly how to skill mid timber

                  mr. rabbit

                    nvm tinker got lv1 march lmao all he prob did is push ur lane lv 1 so that its near ur tower, u shouldve tanked the creepwave a little bit outside ur tower range so u can secure ur quelling blade, if u started with pms and reactive armor it wont deal much damage and u can heal it off with 1 tango

                    usually u still want to have a lv3 armor by 5 and 2 points in q, then proceed to max chain after chakram

                    but u can also go 2-1-2 build by 5 if u rly need the early chain

                    GRANT MACDONALD

                      Might have gone blademail simply due to the WR and Tinker burst. Not sure why you also went for both linkens and Lotus.

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                          ^its sub 1k why r u criticizing picks
                          meta doesn't exist down here
                          blademail is a good option
                          I went linkens and lotus cuz they had too much single target, shackle, orchids, bloodthorns, duel, dismember, eblade and dagon.
                          idk maybe I shudda gotten pipe


                            its sub 1k why r u asking for advice

                            GRANT MACDONALD

                              In that case id probably just go blademail/Crimson/heart and meat shield for your team


                                I want to get better
                                I am complete dogshit
                                but I don't want to stay this dogshit forever


                                  Go behind enemy tower at lv 5 tinker cannot kill you with that 1-1-3 build. What i did most of my games is i keep track what my enemy put skill point into by testing his spell. For ex at lv 8 od astral deal a very weak amount of damage(only around 20% of my creep) so i can conclude that he goes for the 3-1-4 or 2-2-4 or 4-2-2 so i dont want to trade with him. For your tinker games you can feel the missle or laser damage and predicted how many point he put in it but the easiest way is to see how fast his march kill your creep.
                                  After you know he goes for the 1-1-3 or 2-1-2 as timber you can just play under your enemy tower and the only kill condition is pudge rot you enough with hook.

                                  Free 2 Play Scootz

                                    I'd say the best timber skill build is this Your itemization could be a little better but other than that just keep practicing man.

                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                      its sub 1k why r u asking for advice



                                        I was way too afraid to go behind tower cuz he cud zone me with march, but the bigger issue was the pudge who visited my lane a couple times.


                                          Sounds like u need pipe


                                            No hex against tinker? How did you win


                                              watch sing sing strim when he plays timber for imba 8k player tips


                                                our necro bought hex


                                                  Are you asking about the laning phase, or the transition towards ganks/hg phase?

                                                  Putting aside hero mastery, Tinker has the lane advantage over Timber, and you got to respect that advantage. The most important factor comes down to how Tinker invest his skill points and from there how should Timber react. Of course its easy to say you can be more aggressive in lane as laser and missile were only skilled 1 level after the match when everything is revealed in plain sight. Like what others had mentioned before you have to "test the water" to see how Tinker built his skills, and if his laser/missile is only level 1 you can afford to play more aggressive, even with a roaming Pudge as a level 2 whirling death is more than enough to turn the fight.

                                                  Going bottle > arcane > soul ring ensures you have the mana capacity to use whirling death to last hit, not to mention should you manage to control the runes you have probably won the lane. I personally would go for 2041 build this game, Tinker's right clicks are basically tickles against reactive armour, and by level 3 reactive you should be able to tank through or part of march. Your bloodstone came in way too late, as a mid core you should aim to have it sub 20, and rushing BoT isn't exactly good imo. I would recommend dagger after bloodstone and instead of selling HoD, build a pipe. Lotus is an overkill this game imo, but the rest of the items are fine.

                                                  As for farming and last hitting, use your whirling death to secure at least the ranged and 1 other melee creep. Of course best scenario is to clear all 4 with one skill but at the very least secure the ranged and 1 melee and that's more than half of the wave's worth. Push the lane when rune is spawning, typically about X:45-X:50, and when Tinker pushes the lane try to tank it away from the tower so it will not push the wave. And 2 whirling deaths in Pudge's face will send him running, so its not a big problem.

                                                  Idk about you, but I'm a fan of aghs Timbersaw ^^


                                                    ok it seems my biggest mistake was the no whirling death lvl 2
                                                    I know my bloodstone was bad, but thx for the advice. I felt too squishy for blink but I usually get it if I'm ahead.
                                                    ok now I know

                                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                                      Well done on knowing your mistakes,now fix and improve your game play


                                                        yes sir

                                                        Potato Marshal

                                                          Don't know why you got a 30 minute hood of defiance, only to sell it so soon. You had no real hard carry and let the game drag out to over an hour. Should've just gotten a fast bloodstone and played aggressively. You didn't even get any real items outside of your boots and bloodstone until after the 40 minute mark, where you're getting very defensive items like lotus and linkens.


                                                            That title is like an onion to a vampire

                                                            Id say ask tripple, but havent seen him post much recently

                                                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                              what is an onion to a vampire anyway :/