General Discussion

General Discussionjust a hero for 2k -3k bracket

just a hero for 2k -3k bracket in General Discussion

    got this acc 2700 now 2800 but im locked up. anyone knows a hero that at least needs minimal effort from teammates? ( i know this is a teamwork game) or a snowball hero? (dont tease me dont suggest tuskar)

    (sea players tends to pick first with invo meepo sf thats why im asking for heroes here)

    mid laner or carry is fine(i lose on offlane everytime im bad)
    im not good nor bad as thrower but i cant say im not a scrub im just a player serious on raising his mmr.


      I vote for Huskar.




          depends on how you play. drow ranger worked as a charm for me, unfortunately when i hit 3.5k valve nerfed her into the ground and my perfect 75% winrate went to shit.
          as an autistic spammer i advise you to play lastpick safelane/middle. shadowfiend is good, slardar-naix bomb is super good as well, the thing is that there are no free-win heroes (except for meepo but his winrate is not 100% anymore, just a stable 85%)


            up for bloodseeker but this hero is jungle right? (here in 2k they wont let you safe nor mid with bs they will call u noob af go to jungle noob 2k)
            ill try husk ( hes op when he has items and he is strong can 1 v 5 outfarmed team)


              drow? how do you play drow? that sounds nice.

              casual gamer

                meepo ta sf


                  just tried meepo its good but i need teammates here ( like i got aegis 17 mins i ask everyone to push with me wanting a map control, enemy team: quicly tps with 5 man army, my teammates: farming, warding, flaming and here am i picked off) nice though meepo is pretty useless above 35 mins ill think ill pass im not abed though. TA is pretty good noted, sf err i think its 50-50 (not about my team enemy picks bara sniper riki too annoying as fuvk in this tier and i cant last pick sf and im not god tier player who can dodge assasinate nor charge with SOD


                    guys medusa good in this tier?


                      Play sniper
                      He feels rlly rlly strong


                        never played sniper since 6.88 im speechless about this hero. mind teaching me how to win with this hero?

                        RAIHAN SI ANJING

                          Ck is a good late game pusher at this tier, always comeback xD


                            nice ck is op never thought of this hero


                              Ur 658 mmr legend will teach u
                              Build is something like boots aquila phase dlance, maelstrom (dlance first usually, maelstrom first if u want to farm faster and feel safe at ur current attack range) pike, mjollnir (same reasoning as dlance and maelstrom)
                              After that bkb if ur getting jumped on hard or against stuff like nyx, skadi if u rnt feeling to safe to kite people, otherwise go full dps like daedalus and mkb and butterfly. Situational items r sb into se for break, linkens (against shit like duel), manta if u want the dispel also illusions get headshot (this is where butterfly becomes better for dps), Satanic when u r forced to manfight, bloodthorn as an alternative to daedalus.
                              Skill build is shrapnel max first then range with a value point in headshot then max last. The early levels r flexible tho, u can go lvl 1 range if u need it, shrapnel, or headshot to trade hits better.
                              Just keep it safe and farm up, positioning is key, and so is map awareness to make sure u rnt getting ganked.


                                mind telling me the farming pattern like creeps - ancient - lvl 3 nc- lvl 1 nc etc? thanks for the advice


                                  ^i dont play enough sniper to tell u that specific
                                  I think with max range or a dlance u shud be able to do ancients.
                                  Farming patterns r usually not specific to a hero but specific to how fast a given hero can clear a camp and how much sustain they have imo