General Discussion

General Discussion3.9k - 4.1k is fucking cancer and worst than 2k tbh (YES I AM MAD)

3.9k - 4.1k is fucking cancer and worst than 2k tbh (YES I AM MAD) in General Discussion
Fee Too Pee

    is it only me?
    in 3.9k - 4.1k get some shit only seen in LP?

    out from my games lately :

    Invoker mad miss his SS because CK doing reality rift > Destroyed his items ?????
    Alchemist Jungle = Midas > Radiance ???????????
    My enemy juggernaut = Phase boot > dagger ????
    My juggernaut = Phase boot > shadow blade ????
    First pick MK , goes to saying " safe lane carry , do not care about win or lose despite nerfed to ground" proceed to 3 16 ?????

    Share your "something should have only in LP in my ranked games"



      I had a lina last night flame and trash talk because we lacked "stuns"

      We had tree(me) jug, omni, lina magnus.

      Proceeded to flame and feed a puck, then finally after taking flame from us, gave a 10 second countdown or else they would destroy items and feed mid ( more then they already were) . Counted to 10 , killed items.

      EZ report. Sadly I never got my favorite message about action being taken. I think the LP threshold should be lowered again. not to the point it was before, but enough that assclowns like this never get out. Salty salty

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        what's with the recent 3.9-4.1k threads


          ^^ new account people are hitting the toxic wall?

          Fee Too Pee

            Lately , my games not make me happy but tilt sadly mannn i just want proper dofa win or lose no problem :(


              if ur 4k player getting out of that shit is so easy

              your hero pool sucks

              shadow shaman has most deaths per game in dota history hes well know ,,feed ,, suport

              2nd u dont know to play tinker invoker etc the heroes who can do alot and most in game how u supose to get mmr then ???

              Fee Too Pee

                Dude , i know my weakness , i do only utility mainly now. (Tbh i can mid decently but always taken)

                But ... Invoker destroyed items... Alchemist midas to radi jungle.... Mannn , cannot fo anything about those , seriously

                Tbh i do not mind lose mmr ,but i do mind lose stupidly, tbh i only make this thread only to rage lul

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                  yea shit hapens to me too but that not problem u cant grt out of that mmr


                    lmao , i know what u feel mate