General Discussion

General Discussionfucking volvo why oh why

fucking volvo why oh why in General Discussion

    so disappointed ryt now, i just bought new pc to play dota2 and planning to calibrate 4k+ (again) .. and i just heard the new max calibrate is 3.5k! man i dont want to play with 3kbracket :( man is this fucking fixed? or i still have a chance to get 4k?

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      you can get to 4k by grinding your way up you fuck

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        man. grinding with 3k peenoise monkey? cant carry those noobs. even u play harder u still lose bcus of them. u know that feeling ryt? you fuck


          no, i dont know that feeling because im not a stupid fuck that cant win in 3k average games unlike you

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          doc joferlyn simp

            so many insanities running around

            the climb is part of the game man, deal with it


              cant carry those noobs.

              Then you dont deserve 4k


                If you deserve higher mmr you'll win more than you lose

                Player 404335202

                  LoL op
                  .. Summoning fire doto xD


                    Lmao f!re got out of 3k in 3 days because he deserves higher mmr, there's no such thing as trench and impossible games (maybe 5% of your games)
                    Fuck your shitty excuses

                    Cancer Malaria

                      if you are 4k material then climbing 3k bracket should be easy, if you cant get out of 3k maybe its because your meant to be 3k kappa


                        Jed , you said '(again)' right? That means you have calibrated at 4k before? Then play on that .don't go around making stupid threads please.


                          Waaaah mommy u didnt buy me that hot wheels car ur a horible parent

                          mr. rabbit

                            hey guys how do i get rewarded for hard work without working hard

                            Ce commentaire a été édité

                              I'm a fukin 2k mmr player you are lucky to have your very own pc while I play at these fucking slow connection,noisy players,and dead keyboards in cafe.I'd rather climb out of my 2k mmr than to calibrate to 4k which I didnt even deserve.My advice is if you dont want to team up with peenoise then go uninstall your dota you dumb monkey.Try playing this game.


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                                Mobile Legends*

                                jack the beaner

                                  well yea insanity's right stop acting like u deserve to get higher mmr, prove it first. Ofc, every game won't be to your liking and loss streaks are just natural. Well if you're not up for that u should play something else.


                                    what's happened to your other 4k accounts?



                                      ☩ Vinblastine ☩

                                        Insanity are you for real? Stop flaming others if your MMR doesn't even reach 3xxx lol


                                          LUL @reddays, im 4.7, you high?


                                            He fucking deserved to get flamed
                                            You think you're good because you made a new account and reached high skill? Just because I'm 2k I can't slap people back to reality from their shitty delusion?
                                            People like you are ruining matchmaking just because of your shitty ass ego are trying to cheat their way to a bracket they don't deserve to be and I am fucking glad Valve implemented the 3.5k cap


                                              I can just log in on my 3.5k account which I DID NOT CHEAT MY WAY TO and grinded it up from 3k flat, but I don't give a damn about it and I'm not afraid of any shit about delusional people and their egoistic shits

                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                I'm 4k, so does that mean I get to flame you? LUL


                                                  fuc kuoi boi dont you dare flaming my bws

                                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                                    If 3k pinoys are too heavy to carry then how did I get from 2.6 to 4k? :thinking:
                                                    How did this guy get from 1k to 4k ( :thinking:

                                                    Do you really think pinoys are the only cancerous things in dota? What about delusional people like you who smurf to get higher mmr only to fall to where they originally were after they get their "dream calibration"? :thinking:

                                                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                      I got lvl 20 shitfucks on a 3.6k average game
                                                      2 supports who did NOTHING, not even warding like a normal 1k would
                                                      Enigma bought midas against deathball lineup
                                                      No detection at all against 5 invis
                                                      Guess what
                                                      Both were obviously smurf
                                                      Did I make a thread about it on dotabuff and blame the entire loss on them?
                                                      BECAUSE I KNOW I COULDVE PLAYED BETTER
                                                      BECAUSE I KNOW IF I DESERVE HIGHER MMR I WOULD BE ABLE TO CARRY THEM AND WIN MORE THAN I LOSE
                                                      I KNOW IM A FUCKING TRASH PLAYER
                                                      AND I KNOW EVERY LOSS HAPPENS BECAUSE I WASNT GOOD ENOUGH
                                                      WHILE THIS SHITFUCK
                                                      SIMPLY PUTS THE BLAME ON HIS TEAMMATES
                                                      AND CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT
                                                      TRYING TO GET TO A BRACKET HE THINK HE DESERVES
                                                      WHILE IN REALITY HE'S NOT,
                                                      INCLUDING YOU

                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                                        AND OH, special shoutout to everyone saying they can't climb because they play support, BIG MIDDLEFINGER TO ALL OF YOU, YOU GUYS PUT THE CRY IN CRYSTAL MAIDEN.

                                                        Ok, thank you.


                                                          it's true tho i got an example i use to explain this thing about ppl blaming others: dota is like driving in this matter we got good drivers we got bad ones now u can't say i always get bad drivers in my way and i'm always in danger of getting into and accident. if u know the road you're in aka your mmr is full of bad drivers you have to learn how to drive among them to reach your destination even if they are shit. now how most players in dota act, are how most ppl in the world act while driving. they flame others, they get headaches, they curse others. they cant think clearly anymore and try doing stupid shit like cutting other cars way just to get 1 car ahead in traffics, and etc. and you know what, they are the ones who have more chance of getting rekt in the road. instead u gotta be the driver who chills, learn how to drive correctly and not really care if others are shit because you cant control who could come in your road. (you can't compare this example in every aspect only was talking about the toxicity in games and how you should think nothing else)


                                                          mr. rabbit

                                                            OMG PINOYS R SO HEAVY HOW DID I CLIMB FROM 1800 TO 3499 I MUST BE GOD


                                                              cant win as a sup ??? huh, look at that , seems like you can

                                                              Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                              Président® Salted Butter

                                                                ^ not found :/


                                                                  the attack of the seatards

                                                                  Président® Salted Butter

                                                                    Will the real apoop please stand up :thinking:
                                                                    I repeat, will the real apoop please stand up :thinking:


                                                                      xD guys slow down xd


                                                                        You haven't seen my invoker

                                                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                                                          With endless might, the seatards strike!
                                                                          Also: 100% winrate rubick SeemsGood


                                                                            got high skill tho only because i played supp :/ time to pick 5 man carry and flame everyone while they're muted


                                                                              Im better than you. No lies but truth here


                                                                                get i my level ho, i mean yo


                                                                                  You think we pinoys are the only cancer in this game?

                                                                                  We humans can only use 20% of our brain.I think yours is around 5%.


                                                                                    This stupid acts like he is God In his bracket poor guy quit dota to lessen cancer players like you.


                                                                                      ^^its 2% bro


                                                                                        This thread is just a bait to lure out seadogs.Lmao and I'm barkin here.


                                                                                          Plot twist = He realized his mistake and asks for legit ways to get good

                                                                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                                                                            ^ one can only hope

                                                                                            Chao Vritra

                                                                                              i still play dota on a PC from 2007 roffle i play at low frames per second. I can still play casually but I had to quit playing ranked because of the FPS drop in team fights. Hard to carry and play certain heroes (dodging stuns with storm, manta tricks, last hitting properly, stuff like that)

                                                                                              Ave with an internet pfp



                                                                                                  ^^i play in some legit cafes pc cafes the main problem is the connection damn fucking hate seeing that

                                                                                                  203 ping
                                                                                                  8% packet loss


                                                                                                    This guy @BWS is my new hero!!! Keep it up! Cry is Crystal Maiden LMFAO :laugh: