General Discussion

General DiscussionIs MMR calibration 'abuse' still possible? Just curious

Is MMR calibration 'abuse' still possible? Just curious in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    I know a long time ago simply spamming high damage or high KDA heroes in games before calibration would result you in calibrating high. I have heard a lot of my higher MMR friends say that 4-5k is no better than 3k, and there are still people that pick poorly and 5 carry teams and stuff. Is this due to MMR abuse? Do such methods still exist? Just curious, I am not lookin for ways to do this, just curious how people still do it. I tried the zeus method years ago for fun and calibrated beyong where i belonged, losing almsot every game XD


      Methods exist. I know Visage abuse is still used. Calibration Cap is now 3500 though.


        3.5k is limit, you can't get anything higher

        no point in trying to abuse shit to get shitty 3k