General Discussion

General DiscussionMid lane

Mid lane in General Discussion

    Help, how to be a better mid player?




        Mid lane nowadays is very dynamic since supports/sometimes offlane roam to your lane to gank you or to gank with you.
        my suggestion is that always try to maintain the creep equilibrium on your side of the hill so you will be harder to gank since you are closer to your tower.
        2. deny creeps as many as possible and out cs your lane opponent.
        3. if they have a high kill potential and the creep equilibrium is always on their side of the hill try to jungle stack/ bounty runes are your friend. Jungle when you have no creeps to farm.
        4. learn your advantage and kill potential as early as possible. if you have supports such as ogre/bara/bh who can roam mid proficiently try to coordinate a sure kill gank. ex. level 5 invoker w/ max exort has a high kill in lane potential or a tinker lvl 4/5 with roamers can easily kill your opponent midlane which could gain you leverage over your opponent.
        5. mid lane is farm centric nowadays try your best to get your item timings right by doing rule #2 you will get this
        6. Try to play at your advantage. (know the enemies weakness) a storm pre-lvl 6 is weak, Sf at early levels, alch pre level 6 is weak. In short learn to zone the enemy when he's at his weakest.
        7. build items acc. to your enemy. wand against bb, if you play meelee mid buy PMS. raindrops against magic spammer mids and such.
        this is my knowledge from asking people and own experiences as well. if you have questions ask me IMEAN FIGHT ME!


          play the 1v1 mode


            gg ez i think