General Discussion

General DiscussionInsights needed!

Insights needed! in General Discussion

    Guys I want some insights about this match

    So this what transpired on this match:

    - Our mid laner Sniper is frequently getting ganked by Rubick and his lane opponent is Morphling and He can't do anything about it, so what should I have done? should I have roamed to mid and helped him? but then I wont be able to zone out that Zues on bot and also AM wont be able to farm because Zues always spams his 1st skill.

    - About my warding am I wasting too much gold on it? should I just save gold for items like force staff and other support items.

    - I was also concerned about our Axe that jungled and Itemized VG first instead of Blink Dag, can someone tell me what are the advantages of Vg and why did he itemized it first? I mean our lineup seriously needed a reliable stun and my stun is not really reliable so our initiator should have gone Blink first, I keep asking him why did he itemized VG first and the mthrfckr is not responding to me.

    Man that match is seriously bothering me about things that I feel I should have done and also that Axe, damn if he just gone Blink first we could have pressured bot and then proceed ganking on mid, I seriously didn't understand his decision on going VG first and then missed the timing of his Blink, the enemy jungler Doom got Blink first and successfully raped our Am.

    Bonus question: What's up with that Italian meme nowadays I don't get it but its funny hahaha.


      If AM doesnt know he should get magic stick against zeus or try to prioritize on spell shield then u fukin done m8
      Or you can just tell him that nicely and help out sniper
      Or just tell them to play passively


        probably shouldve babysitted mid instead of am against a zeus. am couldve leveled 1 blink, 1 e, and 2 of his q and just zoned zeus/ mana burned the shit outa him and also his e against zeus? even if he wouldntve thought of it you couldve gave him a tip about it

        wouldnt say you wasted money on wards but since they got zeus should replace em on different spots than the usual ones and uphill ones.

        about the axe, ppl make wrong choices all the time. he probably does this build in his every game so it's a habit to him and doesnt think that the game is fast paced and i gotta blink initiate first and we dont got reliable disables either


          maybe im wrong but i dont think OOV is a good item on jak because you have enouhg slow.

          Also i dont think oov is a good starting item on any hero other then treant, ES and maybe BH.

          i mean you need tangos to trade with offlaner, 1 ward for offlaner, 1 ward for mid and a sentry to deward camp block. so OOV is too expensive.


            Ehhhh but I like OoV for Jakiro I can also exchange hits too because of it I mean nothing bad with extra slow and dps also its just a 200 something item not really a big deal unlike what that Axe did.

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              No if you gave a ward to the offlaner at start his laning phasw would have been smother. if you placed a ward mid in a good spot sniper maybe would have died less from ganks.

              and ofc 200 gold is a HUGE deal early for support. supports have the most impact in the first ten minutes and dont have many options to get 200 gold.


                Okay okay I'm convinced that I should change that OoV with my usual items for my supports windlace, yeah about that early ward too I should have given it to Timber since our lane opponent is Zues he easily dewarded the offensive ward I put on safelane but usually I put offensive ward in safelane and give the other ward to the mid laner.

                about the axe, ppl make wrong choices all the time. he probably does this build in his every game so it's a habit to him and doesnt think that the game is fast paced and i gotta blink initiate first and we dont got reliable disables either

                People are still building they're items without really looking at situation? I think its pretty stupid to defend him if that is the reason he itemized VG first for AXE is because that is his usual build and he didn't thought about our situation as a team, you know I was just 1 support and that Doom when he got his early Dagger it became really hard its not like I can be on two lanes at the same time.

                I admit that I fcked up when I should have helped our mid but damn if Axe just get Blink first then things would have been seriously different.


                  Eh I'm not sure but how is an offlane Zeus a problem to begin with?


                    U criticize your axe for being inflexible. Answer this. Why do you think a support has to stay in the safe lane ? Do u just do it without looking at the situation?


                      Well in my defense when I left AM and Zues was actually able to solo kill him for some reason IDK what happened and I also don't remember what I did why I was not on safelane, also its not like I'm just AFK and sapping XP on safe lane I pulled lane creeps for both the camps and zoning out that Zues.

                      I think you are not getting my point if Axe just got Dagger first not VG he could have ganked safe lane and we kill that Zues and then both of us will proceed to gank other lanes especially on mid and the match should have gone easier for us even if that Doom got his Dagger first.

                      Also I critisized him yes I did because of his stupidity I mean why VG? why would he need a VG as first item anyways? and I also hate those people that picks jungle and makes strain for other lanes and this is exactly what he did, not everyone can successfully pull it off being a jungler(example for successful jungler player 1-Icetea) and I also admit that I fucked up but can you blame me an AM is a Carry that needs babysitting I think, compered to the Dire Safe Lane carry Slark he can be left alone.

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