General Discussion

General Discussion4/5/6k players, pls tell me how to play Spectre

4/5/6k players, pls tell me how to play Spectre in General Discussion
turbo player

    Hello dotabuff! I'm just a 2k scrub (you can see my pro5) but I'm very willing to listen and learn from other players. Can u guys tell me how to play spectre? Skill leveling, item builds for special occasions, how to laning, how to handle tough lanes, when to press R and join fights etc...

    Thanks very much. I'm bad and stupid but I'm really want to learn.


      Boots radiance Kappa 123


        Why asked for High MMR players when you are below 2k?


          ^ yeah even 3k's can help if they can actually play spec

          turbo player

            yeah but i think 4/5/6k knows the game and they can give advices even when they dont spam spectre. i asked some 3k friends and they always tell me the same build. and they dont help me much on laning :(


              there's not a ton to say beyond, drag the enemy creeps onto your ranged creep and in general use creep aggro to pull creeps for cs as much as possible, especially in tougher lanes. Don't be afraid to send yourself more regen on the courier (tangos/salve/clarity) if you need it. It's better to get an iron talon and go in the jungle than stick in a lane you can't farm. Be liberal w/ ur ulti early on if you see an opportunity to get a kill. Skill build can vary, follow your heart. You can go vanguard/manta/diffusal (not necessarily that order) rather than radiance if it's not a great rad game, or you don't feel you can farm a radiance. idk i'm not an expert and a lot of these are general safelane tips, just my 2cents.


                Laning = She sucks at it, just try to farm and throw some dagger if you know you'll get the kill
                Farming pattern = Prioritize on static laning, simply because she doesn't farm that fast
                Skill build = Usually it's the same shit, 12131412224333
                Start with at least 2 set of regen and stout shield, or whatever
                Phase boots for chasing
                Power treads for farming
                PMS against some harass and laning sustain
                Magic stick against your typical skill spammer
                Urn when you're ahead early game, for your farming sustain to get radiance in the mid-game
                Dominator for mid game fighting
                Radiance for farming and you just know you don't have to fight and able to go into the lategame with farm advantage
                If you're forced to manfight, probably get diffusal after domi/urn then manta
                Add up agi/attack speed against heroes that wander off solo
                Add up raw HP if you're against teamfighters
                Farm up and always check the map for potentially good teamfights, and haunt when the time is right
                You can haunt multiple times, use this to juke stuns or causing confusion or changing target
                Refresher against global pressence rat stuffs/you need more haunt uptime

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                    " i think 4/5/6k knows the game and they can give advices"

                    nope. look up a 6-7k spectre spammer and check what items they make in the current patch. watch a couple replays.


                      waga said that very much optimal early items are phase-urn-yasha (pms - talon - wand). tried it and it seems to work out.

                      otherwise ive checked aui spectre and the trend seems to confirm itself, his items are always some of these: manta diffusal abyssal radiance urn drums butterfly

                      if you want to win a sspectre in 2k mmr i recommend making items like phase urn yasha at start so you can actually kill heroes with haunt or in lane. then transition either into radiance or diffusal manta style. always consider abyssal blade, spectre can easily solo kill lone heroes if she has manta and abyssal.

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                      Ave with an internet pfp


                        Ave with an internet pfp



                            I'm not good at spectre but I've seen a fair few high level games
                            Spectre is very different at low levels than high levels, since no one coordinates ganks at low levels

                            Basically play off the hero's strength, which is being able to join fights or ganks instantly.
                            Farm farm farm, only use ult when you think you can get the kill otherwise you're just wasting time

                            ALWAYS go upgraded boots and vanguard first (treads sometimes but usually phase)
                            what daddy said as a joke is what most shit spectres do and I cringe every fucking time

                            Some people build early game items on spec for midgame fighting (urn drums etc) but I personally prefer vanguard into radiance since it helps you reach your peak faster

                            Laning usually max Q but I've seen zai max desolate first when he was soloing (probably for cs and extra harass but I'm not sure)
                            Only 1 value point in the other passive since it doesn't add much more in the early game

                            Itemise however you want after, sometimes heart sometimes skadi it all depends honestly

                            She's not that difficult to play it's all about knowing when to commit with ult and farming
                            That being said I'm not a good spectre because she's not very good at laning


                              get early wanguard, then enemy can't nuke you ez and you pretty much have safe farm until radiance, then it just becomes ez


                                Ecksdee vanguard ecksdee

                                Ryan Gosling Fan

                                  I like urn very much on spectre and I think drum is legit as well After last Patch.

                                  Alive 2007

                                    things u need to remember/know:
                                    0. spectre is a very very very conditional hero
                                    1. U dont die too much
                                    2. u farm jungle after laning phase
                                    3. u clash only with your ult
                                    4. aim the support/low hp heroes
                                    5. your item build is always confitional


                                      phase dominator radi

                                      Président® Salted Butter

                                        Blademail haHAA


                                          Spectre is very weak at laning phase, u might want to play safe without dying at early game. u can buy poor man shield/Ring of health first if u keep getting harrassed. Generally there are only 2 boots to choose, either PT or phase boots. PT gives u more attack speed and it stats can be changed according to situation, like int PT when casting skills/ agi PT when hitting creeps/heroes. Most people opt for phase boots as the active ability makes u can phase through creeps and giving u more moving speed when chasing or running from enemies.

                                          The skill build is self explanatory, spectral dagger usually max ed first/second for more moving speed/slow on enemies then you max desolate first before dispersion especially when you are getting vanguard.

                                          Don't build radiance right after getting boots at least get a vanguard first if not you won't have enough HP to survive. Diffusal blade is good against opponent with disable but is squishy as they tend to run away after they disabled you during the fight.

                                          Usually Boots > vanguard > yasha(can be skipped first/after radiance or vanguard) > radiance(only if you bought vanguard)/diffusal blade > manta > luxury items(MKB, Skadi, Butterfly, HoT, Abysal blade, etc)

                                          Most people are underestimating Manta on spectre. It is the core item u must get whether you went for radiance or diffusal blade. 65 pure damage with 2 illusions against a lone opponent is not a joke.

                                          You can haunt to run away or haunt to kill someone just make sure u survive after you use reality. Never use haunt first during teamfight, wait for your team to initiate or counter initiate opponent. During haunt, aims for the squishiest enemy first/carry

                                          Haunt > reality > diffuse the enemy if needed > manta > hit until the opponent die > reality to another illusion if enough time > kill another one.

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                                            Almost 70% win on Spectre.. one of my best heroes.

                                            for your bracket I would suggest picking vanguard as your first item into a radiance.. you will be very tanky and eventually destroying your enemies.. I worked my way up from 2.2k to 4k now. Diffusal is also a very good item on spec after Radiance. The vanguard can be very situational though, but is usually a good buy. Level 3-1-1 first 5 levels. One thing to keep in mind is you should always be farming if you ult if on cooldown. Tell your team to push a lane once you have that advantage and tell them you will ult in. Or use your ult for single pick offs around the map with another teammate. This patch however isnt the best for Spectre as there as much faster heroes, but if you can survive until 35+ minutes you will have an ez win most of the time.

                                            turbo player

                                              thanks a lot for advices guys. I will try to learn bit by bit :)

                                              turbo player

                                                some other stupid questions but why y guys say spectre is a highly situational pick? and when to pick her?
                                                tks a lot :)


                                                  I think you only pick her in a team that can hold the game till late


                                                    Or you can pick her anytime you want if you have mastered her
                                                    Nobody knows how to deal with spectre in sub 4k (hell I doubt 4k can even deal with her too)
                                                    She's underrated in pubs, but in the pro scene she simply needs too much time and space to come online

                                                    Forget me not

                                                      as other have said before spectre have a weak laning, a team with a good roaming support with a strong offlane like tide, axe, centa shit on her. And the meta right now favoring a highly mobility hero for early game which is the weak point of spec . And once the laning phase end spec is easily susceptible to enemy gank.


                                                        Dagger can be used for camp to camp mobility
                                                        Try to use dagger by targetting the ground for more flexibility and higher chance to hit more than one hero


                                                          Im a 4.6k player who gets 192 wins on spectre my advice is just dont feed the offlaner and farm the camp, focus the minimap and ulti whenever ur teammate needs help like lc solo duel an enemy or a gank is going to happen, you can initiate by ulti first or maybe u can followup after ur team initiated such as axe call black hole etc, radiance is very situational item for me bcoz u need to invest a lot of gold in it, i rather go manta then rad if needed then go diffusal then heart,butterfly,skadi etc.


                                                            Im a 4.6k player who gets 192 wins on spectre my advice is just dont feed the offlaner and farm the camp, focus the minimap and ulti whenever ur teammate needs help like lc solo duel an enemy or a gank is going to happen, you can initiate by ulti first or maybe u can followup after ur team initiated such as axe call black hole etc, radiance is very situational item for me bcoz u need to invest a lot of gold in it, i rather go manta then rad if needed then go diffusal then heart,butterfly,skadi etc.


                                                              Radi after manta is nice if you got edged early game, transitioned smoothly in the mid game, and manages to snowball out of it


                                                                Im a 2.4k player who get 0 win on spectre. My advice is to farm lane if you feel safe and if you dont go to jungle and farm for 30min. Use haunt very safely. If you see a safe kill go haunt dagger to safe place(most of the time hgor lg)and tp out or just run


                                                                  early: tangos - salve - 2 Slippers of Agility
                                                                  in lane finish your pms asap then get a qualling blade
                                                                  get phase, aquila, urn, manta, diffusal and here we go. you already win
                                                                  just ult when you know a fight will happend and you are gonna win it.
                                                                  always use your urn, focus supports first. use manta to disables like silences and stuns.
                                                                  get radiance if you want


                                                                    moo's build is fun and lets u play like a boss

                                                                    i cant see any consistent item progress in that except going treads and radiance
                                                                    can you elaborate

                                                                    Sk°2YK KyoukaHisui

                                                                      Pb. Bm. Poor or ring. Wand. Tp. Izi mid game depend the draft and teamwork. For 2-3 beete u improve play ta or meeps. Salam tp dagon farming lg