He's probably still dead but not as horrible as previous patch
Max treant first then tp then the wood thingy
Item build is probably phase/treads>dps/farming item>pike>situational stuffs or rush pike after finishing your boots, idk
Usually people pick heroes that deals with spawnlings if you go NP so probably no
Shrines to TP into makes your splitpushing harder and riskier than it used to be, but we're playing on a bracket where the meta doesn't exist so just stick to whatever you enjoy playing
If you like the hero concept so much go ahead and practice him
You probably have a 2k main and people there can't punish split pusher for shit
Actually he is cancer in offlane if you go dual offlane (some other range like veno, silencer, mirana) just spam sprout and their carry dead (good vs range heroes because they usually dont get quelling) or if you are arteezy u can solo kill carry just do sprout, summon treant from your tree and block enemy while your hero hit it till die and bump the carry rage quit
phase boots into solar crest and drums is a decent build
turns you into a rly strong global rcllicker with strong splitpush and teamfight
ive seen bulldog build this a lot, but ive also seen him build stuff that i thought were weird but what do i know im not the best np in the world
also u dont have to be rtz or bulldog to do the sprout-treant block its actually really easy to do, you just autoattack with np, spawn ur treants using the other half of the tree circle (instead of using the full spawn treant aoe on the whole circle) then block the enemy with ur treants
if ur offlaning with him theoretically you can get a lot of farm while being relatively safe as long as you you use ur treants to scout spots where supports could be hiding then use some of the treants to stack the secret shop camps for you
also u have to remember that making your treants stay at lane pushes the lane w/c makes the lane more dangerous for you than it should be, also you give more exp/gold for 22 damage harass before reductions so unless you suddenly can take their tower or u can kill them treants doesnt have much of a reason to stay at lane
also why are you playing np are you a masochist
Bulldog goes fast phase into drums almost every game, then smth like sb or deso or maelstrom, and min maxing utility with dmg. If he went a utility item like drums next thing has to be dmg to compensate. He goes blink late game for rat, usually builds an orchid mid game after sb or smth. Idk just watch his np games he is by far the best np player. For offlane at least. But u shudnt jungle that hero anyway.
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^ any tips, guides? will it work? I also want to know the item build guide, and what skill to max first if u go offlane with np. Really want to try this hero offlane