General Discussion

General DiscussionWould Anyone be interested in a how to git bad GUIDE?

Would Anyone be interested in a how to git bad GUIDE? in General Discussion

    Dearly Beloved,

    Its your resident 69 MMR Garbage Can.

    It seems these days many people are taking this game too seriously and while on their treacherous quest to 10k MMR have build up high levels of toxicity, rage and a cesspool of other negative emotions. In lieu of this, was thinking of writing up a detailed and hopefully lighthearted guide based on the road to 1 MMR.

    I've traveled this road a couple of times now so do let me know if anyone is interested.

    I'll probably start if i get at least 10 interested parties, so drop us a line on this post!

    Ce sujet a été édité

      Blunt has already reached it


        Aside from just feeding every game what do you do?


          but you were 25 mmr once, how you improved? you basically trippled your skill, thats stronk


            you can play the game as it is for fun actually

            1-IceTea 🌟

              You just ruin other ppl game by throwing most of the game did you?
              Karma is there, I hope it have mercy on you.


                Anyone else interested? I'm a bit lazy to type it all out if no ones keen.

                kädili somsa

                  can u gift me 1 mmr account pls


                    I need dis, ive been afk and feeding on my smurf on unranked and it wont drop to sub5k avg for the life of me

                    Giff me Wingman

                      bitch pls u're slow

                      also dogshit cookie:
                      Once u calibrated unranked it will go after normal +- 25 mmr. So u won't be able to escape sub 5k anytime soon. I TOLD YOU THAT ALREADY.

                      Ce commentaire a été édité
                      Impulsive 3k addict.

                        id be down for some duo q matches

                        bh + riki double radiance ninja picks????


                          I am highly interested.

                          casual gamer

                            my smurf matches against 6-7ks in party unranked send help

                            Président® Salted Butter

                              Play jungle shadow fiend


                                @Danishblunt Lol how am i slow? Did you make a guide already? You just reached 1 lol some of the veterans here have been thriving in this trench for years lmao.

                                Regardless i'll probably write it up tomorrow folks. Tales of the trench


                                  but i already have 50 matches, if it puts me at 5k start and drops to 3.5k, i'll never reach 1 mmr then

                                  Ave with an internet pfp

                                    How to reach 1 mmr : *pick kotl* => rush blink => call all of your teammate into a wood or chiff or hill => kill the cour => Chatting why your team is afk => play 5 lp => repeat until 1 mmr

                                    P.s you dont have to kill the cour if you dont have one

                                    -Created by Jacked2
                                    -Idea from Jacked2
                                    - copied from dotowtf

                                    [O] Verified by ISO 322.69
                                    [O]Won 1mmr award of the year in my dream

                                    The Medic Guy

                                      actually you can win the game but lose mmr.
                                      it will be like (+-25)

                                      i did this few times on my smurf, but need a good timing.


                                        I tried twice doing nothing but afk Riki or jungle necrophos. Ended up calibrating with around 1500 MMR despite having a 35% winrate. Idk how you do it.