General Discussion

General Discussionbloodstone rush techies. why?

bloodstone rush techies. why? in General Discussion

    hey does anyone have any idea why 5k+ players build bloodstone first on techies? (or 2nd if they go force staff)

    wasnt it a not-so-good item on him because it provides nothing except regen (and the deny i guess) is the regen really that important for him? ive always felt like i didnt need that much regen because of the arc-soul ring trick and i prefer aghs/sheep/lens on him

    will having bloodstone alone let me transition to post-laning midgame smoother? im thinking with the extra regen u become better at fighting because u just lob prox mines/remotes during fights and heal faster from ur blast off and since u kill too much ppl u gain charges for this reason (and this is something that arc-soul ring cant do)

    i still havent tested this because im afraid if its just a bracket thing instead of being the go-to universal build


      No matter what he/she builds, i always report techies player


        really makes you think :thinking:


          i`m 3k bla bla
          guessing it provides enough regen to plant remote
          i do it for that reason,regen

          idk what else could be


            i undestand why people hate techis, most matches will take 45 min or longer and become annoying sieging battles.


              so ppl report other players for personal things and volvo pay no atention to reports.. one thing lead to another and here we are, playing with toxic players who never get ban for their acts..


                I strongly believe in auto-reporting techies players.
                My fav quote is "I'm on a (blank) win streak with techies"
                And I always respond with "reported"

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                Player 404335202

                  U dont need to be 5k+ to build bloodstone on techies


                    well, i suppose techies is a hero killer, so he gets easy charges. and he is all about mana regen. like, after bs you also build hex, and so on.

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                      I never understood it since many of your charges come from proximal kills and at least for me, kills come across the map. That and with blast off sometimes resulting in techies dying but getting a triple kill if you can nuke/silence the other team i just dont see the point to it.

                      Then again im a shit tier not even 2k techies spammer


                        guess we cant really have a sound discussion about the most hated hero in the game xd


                          not a a 5k player here bro, just new to dota 2 was player of dota 1. I think this build is good for him to be effective:
                          soul ring
                          arcane boots
                          aether lens,
                          there u can put more prox mines early and more chances of escape w/ eul's, also more chances of hero killing w/ aether lens. Need to give more farm for your carry bloodstone, aganhms or octarine I build later. I just pray that I have good carry bro coz I'm still the abbys, lol

                          Johnny Rico

                            MANA AND RESPAWN TIME

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                              Optimus Drip

                                Cuz they are bad techies players. Bloodstone isn't bad, but it is highly situational. It's good because of the synergy with level 20 talent (-60 second respawn time) it hurts me when I see people rush str8 bloodstone e. Hurts my very core.
                                Side note to the people that report techies: you are all idiots and I bet you play much more annoying meta heroes. Your telling me ember isn't cancer? Otay what about omni or necro with 55+% winrate across all brackets and are picked more. Learn to buy a freaking sentry.


                                  U can mine the whole fucking map and was definition of cancer
                                  Singsing did it against me but i won anyway coz mk was op back then

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