General Discussion

General DiscussionUNKNOWN SKILL?

UNKNOWN SKILL? in General Discussion

    What is the meaning of Unknown skill ??
    can anyone here answer me ?? ..

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      Its just nothing


        it means you are not even a skilled player, just a smurf trash that ready to ruins people games once you calibrated




            It happens in 2 cases, when mmr is too low for the game to tell it(low level smurfs in game for example)

            Or in parties when the difference is too much


              Likely it means u r very low skill


                But Im good in games.. I realy dont understand this shit..
                I get 600+ gmp and xpm, and also i have a good KDA .. its fu****ng cancer shiit!

                The Medic Guy

                  don't listen to them.
                  UNKNOWN SKILL means your skill is beyond VHS, the script can't read your skill's number because it is OVER 99999+++


                    Since you have 2 High Skill matches your bracket must be between 0 - 3k, don't mind your unknown skill matches just keep playing.


                      why do people care so much
                      just enjoy the game


                        your skill is out of this world maybe your from mars?


                          Wow guys he gets 600 gpm they shud promote him to 9k cuz he gonna rekt miracles asshole. Even his kda is high!

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                              You can't get more than 3000, because you are normal skilled


                                When people say they do well and have high gpm or kda it's very likely not true. Brb let me check his profile


                                  Yup. All lies. Lol

                                  CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                    unknown skill means u are a special player and in a low profile match gov is trying to hide bec they're finding the best dota player and use the person to their advantage

                                    Player 404335202

                                      It means skill level is unknown


                                        skill level beyond gods understanding

                                        Ghastly Wail

                                          I have an Ass full of Unknown Skill Games.

                                          I'm alot of times in LP.
                                          Guess its because of that.

                                          And in alot of Games i was teamed up / teamed against people who had < 20 games in general. And they played like newbie.

                                          So Unknown Skill < Normal Skill or Teams are too uneven to put it in a skillbracket.

                                          Ghastly Wail

                                            Or 2+ People Teams.
                                            Where one is ranked and one is unranked.
                                            Noticed when i played with a friend who never played a ranked game the game says Unknown Skill.