General Discussion

General Discussionlul i played vs 4k games mepo spammer

lul i played vs 4k games mepo spammer in General Discussion
    since 4k is very common bracket with 2k invoker pudge games players i came across some mepo spammer and i cant see his profile to ban those heroes

    whats the cure for that ? guy literaly got 5 items in 20 min push top while we fight take racks then after 2 mins again tp top and go for t4 and destroy throne with aegis wtf xDDD AND we we were kinda winning


      that is why that hero should be removed. smurfer's paradise and cancer to everyone else


        4k mmr and 4k meepo matches



          Yea goodluck playing against a decent meepo without any counter
          There's nothing you can do about that except doing your best and hoping that meepo aint even 1/10 of abed


            jesus fuck, my entire match history (with extra 300 games or so that I played on my friend's acc) doesnt even fucking touch how many games he played on that hero. You'd think he'd be 6K+


              @fx actually I think their team had the tools to deal with him, it's just that they didn't lane/play right

              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                a meepo spammer should be at least 7k look at those amount of matches...


                  I dunno, with dat Omni invoker mixed in that is hard. Meepo jumps someone and kills them before any sort of reaction. That is a tough game to win. WW counter is nice but who the heck plays WW!?! . I dont know what to offer you for advice....

                  oh wait I Know

                  GIT GUD. (jokes)

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                    1 m m r f o r e a c h m e e p o g a m e s e e m s g o o d

                    also jdf8

                      meepo spammer who arent 6k have downs syndrome its true

                      QTG 幸せ

                        He started spamming meepo from ~800 mmr i believe, thats why he is only 4k. Btw he has twitch channel


                          4k meepo games not even 5k this means hes just bad at dota.


                            my team indeed was goood counter to Meepo ( and he was solo off i killed him 2 3 times in lane) but that dont stop him to get 5 items in 23 min

                            and my jugg was kinda shit player was yoloing where it wasnt warded
                            im just mad how easy can meepo win even tho his team sucks xD