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Question in General Discussion

    How many games should i play everyday? Want to go pro someday if can. Currently at 5.7k SEA server. But im already 20 am i too old for a 5.7k player? I only play really often when i have vacant really busy at school right now. (Sorry for my bad english)

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    doc joferlyn simp

      Wow that's a low amount of games man, if that's your first account and you put 100% effort and be a nolifer for Dota maybe you can go pro. Most pro players' stories I read they have something to sacrifice for Dota, might be anything up to you lmao

      Ghastly Wail

        Atleast 8-10 Games per Day?
        I dunno. Thinking being a pro means its your job.
        So play that amount of hours per Days as if you would be working.
        When i see StarCraft 2 Game Houses they training atleast 9 Hours per Day.
        So i would say the same goes for Dota?

        Player 404335202

          How age is related to specific mmr ? Miracle ,sumail ....... they all started when they were too young ! Like 10-11 years old ! And u need to play many games in single day 10-11


            24 games per day man.

            Impulsive 3k addict.

              0 if you can control yourself. If you can't, form a team so you can avoid soloq.

              also jdf8


                u have to be able to breathe dota man

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                  R games too easy for u? U see yourself climbing further? U have to play whole day bruh no pusy


                    If you want to be pro and you definitely have a chance if this is your first acc.You need to spend your life in doto but think twice, i wish you gl ..... most pro players been grinding all days for a years or at least year but after that dota is such a patch dependant so they all playing still 10h per day at least, unfortunately its not like csgo where after you get pro level you just playing few hours per day


                      Its not about the quantity of games you need. Its the amount of quality of games. I mean you have spend hours watching your replays and analyzing them. Playing matches after matches won't get you any where. Anyone can play 10-15matches.
                      Play a few games then sit and analzye them . Play learn repeat.

                      Good luck to you.
                      Hope this was helpful.

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                        The odds of making it as a pro are vanishingly small. How many players are 5.7k?

                        But, if you want to gamble your life on your dream (which isn't necessarily a bad thing!) then don't go all-in to be exclusively a pro player - think about streaming/casting/coaching/making youtbue videos as a side-line - or keep your education going.

                        To make it as a pro player is as much about making a name/reputation in the community as it is playing talent - its a business like any other and top teams want top names that bring in the fans and sponsors.

                        Just remember that you never hear the stories of the ones who tried, failed and now spend 12hrs a day stacking supermarket shelves because they are effectively unemployable....



                          oh, this isn't your first account is it? Even less likely you'll become a pro!


                            Hmmm should i try quiting school for a year and see what results do i have. Its really hard to balance school and dota at the same time especially when im already 4th year on computer engineering.


                              Started playing dota 2 in 2015 but i never take it seriously i never analyze or watch my own replays. And btw SEA server is really hard to climb so many throwers and acc buyers.


                                I dunno how much time would you need to play game, and than go analyze your replays, that would take forever man. U get seriously exhausted after few games of dota, everything else is mind boggling fight with your will power, watching replays after that, I really don't know, maybe better to have conversation with someone of more experience, watch some demos of good players who know how to play, watch youtube videos of particular heros, helps alot. I don't have so much time to do so, but it really affects your game, helps you understand dota more. It is really hard to learn dota since it has so much heros. Pick ones you like, it will change over time, enjoy game. Every patch makes changes, be there to know what to do and adjust your game.

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                                  I mean if you don't work then you can play all you want. When life actually hits you then good luck


                                    Wow how did u get so good just by playing

                                    Feichang Gaoxing

                                      Finish your degree first. You're already at the end. Then u can concentrate on being pro.


                                        HI Byran.

                                        I would suggest that you finish your degree first before going balls deep into trying to break into pro. Its better to have that sorted out first. Also If i may offer, I suggest that if your going to be just DOTA and no job, you volunteer like 2-3 hours a week. For resume /job purposes in the future, if you take a year off but volunteer you can spin that in a very positive manner when looking for a job in the future.

                                        Eventually life will catch up and you will most likely have to get a job etc and no more 12 games a day unless your single, most women seem to hate dota because your taking time to play a game when you should be spending it with them. (which is bullshit IMO but its a fact of life, happy wife happy life?? LOL)

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                                          I'm with joma on this. You're at the 4th year of your degree. So depending on where you're from, you either have 1 year left or it's your last year there. Go and finish it and then see what happens. But remember to give yourself a deadline. Know when to quit. Go over the scenarios of what happens when you don't win tournaments/don't get a part time job etc.


                                            u needs 500 hours playing dota 2 game


                                              da fuck 5k MMR talking how to be pro are u bought that's account.