General Discussion

General DiscussionGaining MMR is the same to becoming a better player?

Gaining MMR is the same to becoming a better player? in General Discussion
Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

    Hi , I would like to know if you start climbing MMR means you're getting better or you just are better carrying bad players?
    For example if someone climbs from 4k to 5k, he did really get better? or just improving how to win games in that bracket?


      I'm excited to see what sort of replies this topic will get


        If you are climbing you have already improved. And improving on how to win games in a bracket is basically the same as improving in general.


          If you become a better player your mmr will go up, the opposite is not necessarily true. That being said 'mmr is just a number' isn't true either in my experience, haven't ever seen a player below 5.5k that I would consider even remotely good at the game.

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            Disappointed with the replies lul

            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

              thx, for the responses, I have this question, because in 2015 when Jugg/troll/Slark/Storm/shadow fiend- meta came out I don't remember well 6.82- 6.84? It wasnt really hard to me to gaining MMR and I didn't feel any better. Now I don't play too much solo queue but I feel a little harder to carry games. (maybe I am palying worse than before)




                  mmr increase follows skill increase, on average


                    Failure is the key to success.


                      doesnt mean uget more skills
                      but u learn more to win
                      thats better than skills
                      skills can slowly improve


                        dendi is for example very skilled mechanicaly player
                        he knows tinker magnus etc

                        but he dont know to win games hes 6k trash all life and die so stupid

                        casual gamer

                          mmr is a reflection of ur ability to win games

                          some people win games because they spam abaddon/omni and smash their head against the keyboard

                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                            lol dendi reached from 6k to 8k in a month


                              Gaining mmr comes from winning games
                              winning games needs two things : required skills + meta/map/current playstyle knowledge
                              these two combined win you games from my recent experience

                              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                ^endless What do you think is better to improve? keep playing solo ranked or playing with better players (party with friends)


                                  A lot of ppl are actually good but they wanna play carry all the time or some other issue that causes them not to play at their best potential and thus results in them losing



                                    casual gamer

                                      i never had the option to party with better friends unfortunately

                                      i think that you should maybe play some games with them and ask for advice, but mainly focus on playing solo games

                                      ideally u can focus on a few heroes and pick their brain for what to build/how to play. maybe go over a replay of a tough game


                                        MMR is doesn't give a shit, it's just a number.


                                          I think it goes wayy till you have almost constant 50%winrate and thats the mmr you belong. I do learn a lot when i climb to 2k mainly 1k brains. But i dont learn as much because i climb fast and i still dont belong here(my mmr) proves says i have 65% winrate even when im trolling most of the game


                                            ^^ this 1.1 guy is so retarded idk why u post anything about dota go play tetris

                                            Zaius, MD

                                              hm i dont see why not


                                                mmr is just number u cant win normal skill games u think u can win VHS or any tournament

                                                maybe mmr on 7k+ dont mean so much but in 3k shit it does for sure


                                                  when i play in high 5k and 6k bracket, those below 5.5k is dogshit to me, and i consider most of them scrubs. only few stood out and showed me i was wrong about them.


                                                    No- because you can explot meta heros and strategies to gain mmr and win games but you arent necessarily getting beter at Dota.

                                                    Consider 7.00 lycan. Even if autistic, you could win 80% ez from jungle.

                                                    That would gain mmr for you but your laning, supporting and CS wouldnt necessarily be better


                                                      ^if that's so, why u dont make yourself gaining mmr with that and go out from normal skill trench?
                                                      Also, ur lycan wr is 60%


                                                        ^^The katz it really makes you think, but the truth hurts


                                                          No one can answer yes since is a smurfing cancer in doto


                                                            Its depend on ur teammates 2 .


                                                              Depends in which way you gained mmr. If you exploited something for example, you just farmed mmr, you did in no way get better as a player. Also reason why there are so many fail pub pros wannabe in the scene.


                                                                U cannot gain mmr indefinitely from spamming op heroes. If u spam meta heroes every patch, then you'd just stay the same mmr every patch. Even if u think someone doesn't "deserve" his mmr from playing op heroes. His mmr just reflects his ability to win x mmr games with that hero. It represents his highest mmr attainable.

                                                                A better player playing the same hero will be x +100 and an even better could be x+200. So the idea that the number is meaningless because it's an op hero is incorrect.

                                                                A shitty 1k player could not win a 5k game with an "op" hero.

                                                                Water is wet. Mmr reflects your ability to win games. That is the most accurate measure of skill. I don't know what other variation of "skill" you speak of. But if u can't win games u have no skill.

                                                                Ce commentaire a été édité
                                                                p a l a i yu t @2@@@

                                                                  fucking VALVE abnormal..he give me very high skill in my match last game and when tomorrow comes i check again my very high skill become normal skill What The Fuck VALVE your fucking out of your'e mind..

                                                                  p a l a i yu t @2@@@

                                                                    fucking VALVE abnormal..he give me very high skill in my match last game and when tomorrow comes i check again my very high skill become normal skill What The Fuck VALVE your fucking out of your'e mind..

                                                                    Impulsive 3k addict.

                                                                      Better SOLOQ player yes. Better player no. Mmr cqn deviate by 500-750 with no change in skill.


                                                                        "fucking VALVE abnormal..he give me very high skill in my match last game and when tomorrow comes i check again my very high skill become normal skill What The Fuck VALVE your fucking out of your'e mind.."



                                                                          yeah definitely


                                                                            mmr is a reflection of ur ability to win games
                                                                            mmr is a reflection of ur ability to win games
                                                                            mmr is a reflection of ur ability to win games
                                                                            mmr is a reflection of ur ability to win games
                                                                            mmr is a reflection of ur ability to win games
                                                                            mmr is a reflection of ur ability to win games
                                                                            mmr is a reflection of ur ability to win games
                                                                            mmr is a reflection of ur ability to win games
                                                                            mmr is a reflection of ur ability to win games
                                                                            mmr is a reflection of ur ability to win games
                                                                            mmr is a reflection of ur ability to win games
                                                                            mmr is a reflection of ur ability to win games
                                                                            mmr is a reflection of ur ability to win games

                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                              fucking VALVE abnormal
                                                                              fucking VALVE abnormal
                                                                              fucking VALVE abnormal
                                                                              fucking VALVE abnormal
                                                                              fucking VALVE abnormal
                                                                              fucking VALVE abnormal
                                                                              fucking VALVE abnormal
                                                                              fucking VALVE abnormal
                                                                              fucking VALVE abnormal
                                                                              fucking VALVE abnormal
                                                                              fucking VALVE abnormal