General Discussion

General DiscussionBetter solo support than with self proclaimed support

Better solo support than with self proclaimed support in General Discussion

    I'm a support and i'm better of solo support cos they ward everytime at the most useless part of the map, they ruin the ward timing, they don't pull, doesn't know when to gank, doesn't have a brain to help someone who's in need, leeches xp, doesn't stack instead blaming the failed mid, wards only every 10 minutes buys items for himself also COMMEND ME at the end of the game


      Swap commend?


        yeah no, you are COMPLETE DOG SHIT

        you put 4 skill points in mana aura, so that your team mates could get 1.5 more mana regen than it gives with 1 skill point?

        so you skipped 550 in nuke dmg so that your afk farming invoker mids could get .5 more mana per second per skill you put into your aura, rather than skilling your laning nukes?

        I can't wait till you end up in 2k again cause you play like 2k with that shit lord skill build. fuck you


          But cm aura is so nice

          casual gamer

            i mean i usually go a 4141 or 1441 build, you dont have the mana to sustain both nukes maxed without arcanes (lol) because the cd goes down and the manacost goes up


              you really are that fucking bad? you literally gonna spend 3 skill points to get fucking 2 more mana regen before 10 minutes?

              what the fuck is wrong with you? wtf is the point of having 2 more mana regen if you do only 200 dmg in nukes at lvl 5.... jesus christ its simple as fuck, you BUY MANA REGEN after using the fucking spells to kill people combined with pulling

              wow a clarity = better than your damn maxed aura, and a mango is like 2 minutes worth of aura................................................... its called being carried to 5k mmr


                the mental retardation runs so deep in the support flow baby.

                DAMN gotta get that 1 more mana regen instead of 100 nuke dmg, so that I can cast 1 more nuke in 2 minutes!!!!!


                  actually no you dont play support so I will give you a pass on that one, but your cm winrate is 42% for a reason lol

                  casual gamer


                    dont pretend my winrate playing at 5.9k has any bearing on whether your opinion is worth a damn


                      If he goes on a 4 game streak as cm he will be at or near 50%. Plus a 56% winrate on tinker at 5.9k mmr over 174 games. Yeah ill take the blue star on this one.

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                        @thedrengrking considering you have 46% wr on your smurf you should probably focus on your own game before flaming. is your main stuck in lp?


                          max aura is nice cause cm is not a nuker she help others to kill - so i think in most cases max aura is better
                          plus cm has a very low max mana without regeneration he can use her spells three times


                            grats for telling what's your win rate than what's your in game purpose the build depends on whichever your team picks and it doesnt need to max burst if your team already have a burst eg. sf got too fair burst but sf lacks mana regen since you have 3 burst skill and bottle isnt sufficient enough

                            ♏mikeeCS ツ

                              I'm also agreed.
                              Max mana regen first.


                                Eh. It's aura for the whole team. I don't know what u are on about. If it's 1 mana regen for cm alone it's dumb. But it really isn't. Fuck your nuke lol

                                CAN I HAVE NORMAL GAME PLS

                                  im pretty sure you place some levels on mana aura at least lvl 2 not just for allies but also for yourself so you can spam your low cd spells to jungle, fight, etc.

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                                  Story Time

                                    TheDrengrKing is a troll, dont feed him. He sucks


                                      Why stunt your early game potential by maxing aura first? There's more to CM than an aura.


                                        00000000 or whoever you are i did not waste 1 skill point to spam a low cd skill on a neutral creep since doto gave as a cheap clarity you judge my cm game base on 1 game when every cm game i played have different skillset (p.s. i feel like i'm good at doto when i play cm)


                                          is going 2 1 2 into 4 1 2 ok

                                          i'd prefer answer from someone who's not utterly dogshit like 90% of posters here


                                            is going 2 1 2 into 4 1 2 ok


                                            Lets do Science

                                              As Cm your skill build is pretty fluid but, often involves maxxing either nova or bite first. There's no way in hell you can afford to use the levels on both without some sort of investment into mana like aether, or rain drops. Even then, you usually end up trading the ability to spam your spells for a few extra damage + a lil cc. Part of what makes Cm so hard to fight is that her team is nearly always ready to throw down. If you aren't at least putting a few point into her aura relatively early, you don't really see just how annoying it is to face a SF who can throw razes like they're goin outta style, or an Undying rotting your strength away constantly.


                                                Cm was the hero I learned to support on. Therefore my win rate with her is only almost 60%. While you guys argue on the most optimal build can we just all agree that it's situational instead? Sometimes the nuke is what's necessary. Sometime I need the mana regeneration or my team does to just simply Harrass the enemy laner.


                                                  WTF, it is much more useful to maximize the first and second in CM, the fucking passive will not make any impact at the beginning of the game


                                                    The first one is in cases of you wanting to farm camps

                                                    Lets do Science

                                                      Yeah why bother giving your SF more razes? Gotta do that +30 damage + .5s hold for sures. Why bother letting Luna spam the hell out of the enemy offlaner with moon blasts? gotta make sure i can frostbite 1 second sooner and then walk back to base. Why bother having a global impact every second you're alive instead of having slightly more power every 5 or so seconds when you're punching the enemy?

                                                      kunst 2
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                                                          I'm not sure about that tho the 2 2 1 skill build on cm, for me its 1 1 3 because all I do when I CM is just to catch and slow the enemies not really to burst them, that's the job for the carries, even on my Disruptor its either 1 2 2 or 1 3 1 not really investing that much on the burst spell, on my Ogre its 1 2 2, on my VS its 1 3 1, My argument on this topic is that supports are not the damage dealers they are just the backline support you know the follow up catch and slow after your POS 3 initiates.