General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat makes a 6k - 7k player better than a 5k player

What makes a 6k - 7k player better than a 5k player in General Discussion

    What does a 6k - 7k core player do that a 5k player doesn't? What makes them better?

    casual gamer

      they are faster to react/move around map and also abuse enemy cds/enemy mana much more often

      i commend

        Outplaying, Efficiency, Item Timings, Skill Usage and Power Spikes.

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          so everything?


            ^ Lul pretty much


              They are 1k or 2k mmr higher than 5k


                I don't do anything particularly revolutionary mechanics wise compared to 5k players I see. The main thing I've noticed is that I know how to win dota games a bit better, a lot of 5ks I've seen are fine mechanically but they just run around farming and don't have any idea of how to convert that to a win.

                The DarKNovA

                  On average, they do everything better.
                  Individually though, the picture is never as clean.


                    well, i think the difference is that 6k and 7k players have better decision making, and know better what to do in different situations.

                    Shadows Die Twice

                      I'm pretty new to a game, but i have a few 6k friends that i play with. What i have noticed is that they are a lot more consistent in playing well than 5k players. They will play well even tho the game is hard or for example if they are tired. A lot of 5k players tend to tilt a bit more than 6ks and are having a lot more bad games. So i would say that 6k players are better trained and are more consistent in playing well, rather than being much more skilled or making better decisions. On the other hand, 7k+ players are simply talented and are tryharding, which is category on it's own... I mean you get 7k and you are top 200 in the region/continent.

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                        ♏mikeeCS ツ

                          It is nice when see a thread about 5-7k players is commented by 6 blue star dotabuff member and 5 non blue star dotabuff member.
                          So I am here to keep the balance...
                          With me now it is balanced 6 blue star and 6 non blue star.


                          Use chatwhell=mute

                            As a 4k scrub i think they have better habits and desision making. Non of pro players tilt lot except rtz.
                            Crit febby zai are calm ppl with high mmr


                              They are bettwr at destroying the enemy ancient

                              Cancer Malaria

                                they are more efficient at destroying the enemy ancient

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  Don't forget : They also better at defend their ancient .


                                    fokin offlane isnt workin out as much as i thought ppl are too retard to win sometimes


                                      cooky is the destroyer of the enemy ancient