General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat do you think of my match? Help me improve pls

What do you think of my match? Help me improve pls in General Discussion

    Tell me what you think of my skill.

    casual gamer

      the game last 70 min and they have 2.5 more carry than u

      also: unknown :v


        wahahaaaaaa mami my team is nub

        pls dotabuff tell me that my team is nub so that i feel betr


          I didn't want you guys to say my team noob. I wanted to know what items iI could have gone for


            I was thinking of bloodthorn instead of scepter

            casual gamer

              u need to swap out bfly because they all have true strike




                  But only sven and weaver iIkilled them first won't that help

                  casual gamer

                    bloodthorn also gives truestrike and they have 2


                      didn't know that. What else could iIhave made

                      casual gamer

                        replace agh and bfly with bloodthorn and AC. buy bkb, swap between bkb and bfury so u can use it in fights, or even have a item like heart that you can go swap to after using bkb for fights

                        rly impossible game at so late, assuming skills remotely even. u need to make much more effort to hit buildings more early on

                        keep in mind a lot of itemization is debatable just its bad to have evasion against so much true strike and in fights as super rich AM you can have a fighitng item to swap bfury to

                        if there were any wards in stock, also buy those when yo uare capped unless you are saving for rapier + BB or something silly

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                        Zero's resurrection

                          Haven't even watched 5 mins of the replay and I see efficiency issues. You started with a set of tangos quelling and stout. Dont get the quelling early,look at their line up. You will definitely take harass no matter who you lane against in safe. Instead get more regen items for starters like 2 sets of tangos,stout,potion. you will have more sustain this way. As for your laning ability I see issues as well. You didnt use the aggro trick to last hit better. You do this by right clicking the enemy hero and then immediately walk back,this will cause the enemy creeps to follow you and pull them towards your ranged creep. The ranged creep will take damage and you can deny it faster thus promoting better lane control and easier last hitting. You can get out of enemy attack range this way and farm safer. I'm sure there's more for me to critique but this will be all for now. Im 2k,best of luck.


                            Ty guys that was some good advice. Dude iget tangos stout and quelling at start helps me last hit better. And I get salve as soon as iI take the bounty. Then later on i can invest on more regen items. Yes iI don't use the aggro trick to farm. That's nice advice.