General Discussion

General DiscussionForced 50 in a nutshell

Forced 50 in a nutshell in General Discussion
Morgan Freefarm

    - Casual smurfing while main is muted. (5.3k - 4.9k on 2 acc's)

    - my Ck has 2.5k solo mmr, and is in a 3 stack.

    thier team has 2x 6k's 3x 5k's, and are in a 5 stack.

    thats a significant mmr difference.

    forced 50, even on new acc's

    Ce sujet a été édité

      cutnpaste seems familiar


        Did somebody say forced 50% and showed just one single crappy game?

        Lets do Science

          Funny how a smurf is complaining about getting low mmr teammates in unranked games within his first 15 games.

          Pale Mannie


              cutnpaste seems familiar

              He posts here.

              You'll get matches like this because there weren't too many players on and it tried to match you while taking the party mmr into consideration. Was playing on US East at 4 in the morning and ran into a Syc stack consisting of one 7k, two 6ks, and a 3k. My team of 5 solo 3ks stood no chance. It's unranked though so it really doesn't matter.

              i follow Jesus.

                mate as a smurfer, the unranked mmr sucks, sometimes i play against 6k shit invokers, sometimes i peek into normal skills, it seems random until you get your mmr


                  out of my last 5 solo games, 3 had multiple smurfs in each game( always the 60+% winrate guy on the other team) , and 1 i had atimber go 1-11 with a 24 min bloodstone. the last game i deserved to lose. It happens, just gotta get on with it really.


                    Well then I'd have a question for you sir, if forced 50% is really real.

                    How is this possible?

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                      Morgan Freefarm


                        back in tf2 days, competively i had a 90% winrate+ in pugs etc, something similar.

                        in dota, after 5000 games, i have 54% winrate.

                        Games like this, 4 of the losses on this acc, Not saying that i am a god by anymeans, i am god tier awful and a 4.9k -> 5.3k pleb.
                        however, there are either blatant feeders 'forcestaffing into teams, Earth spirit kicking into teams, duel lane mid'
                        or completely unfavored matchups, where the average mmr of the enemy team is 4k above my team.

                        IF the game didn't have forced 50, it would never match a solo queue smurf, some random 3k, and 3 2.5k's (if that) up against 5-6k's

                        Losses come with wins, i understand this. however people 'trying' to lose, and rediculously unfavoured skill matchups, where it was 1v9 litterally, seem's pretty sus to me.

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                          maybe they think your smurf's miracle


                            Or maybe ur unlucky, cuz aui 2000 has abt 70% winrate

                            Morgan Freefarm

                              i probably am, i average 1/4 cs on the first wave in free farm, would you like an autograph?