General Discussion

General Discussion1k is so easy to win

1k is so easy to win in General Discussion

    I just pick mid and snowball out of control even if my teammates are 12 year old CSGO kids that behave dumb all game.

    Now I just need the patience and mental fortification to play 300 ranked games to get to 3k, just to get slightly less dumb teammates...probably would get supercancer in the process...

    is it worth it?

    fear is the mind killer

      if you like the game then yes

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        Could you have ever considered that the enemy team has five 12 year old CSGO kids that behave dumb all game.


          it is not worth it

          Ghastly Wail

            ^ he's right. Not worth it.



              1 MMR SOLO

                1k mmr games are so hard...


                  no. honestly not even 4ks are that much better.


                    but on the other hand you should enjoy your straight wins for like a 200 hours of dota.


                      try 1k in SEA server


                        Where did u buy that 1 mmr account


                          is it weird that my 1.5k account is harder to win through carries than my 2.5? -.-

                          Ce commentaire a été édité

                            no. honestly not even 4ks are that much better.

                            no. honestly not even 5ks are that much better.


                              wow, and you ahve only 52% winrate in ranked.

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                Frank have you ever thought about streaming?


                                  yes 54% winrate as pos 5 support...not that bad imo

                                  Ce commentaire a été édité
                                  Cancer Malaria

                                    Its a cancerous road indeed, but it's a great feeling of achievement when you actually surpass all the shitness


                                      I sleep through half of the game and still win