General Discussion

General Discussionsand king eul?

sand king eul? in General Discussion

    i just dont have idea, i see some pro player build eul and not force staff, answer?
    i think eul is waste and force staff more reliable escape item for me

    Ghastly Wail

      Manareg, Movespeed.


        You don't build it to escape rofl
        You build it against annoying shit like eblade or to have another kind of disable in fights

        doc joferlyn simp

          Because a silenced Sand King is about as effective as that Ghost that spawns in the small camp.


            NS now.

            Let's add Lotus Orb to the equation.

            It also has the dispel. It also provides mana and mana regen. Instead of making you faster it makes you tankier against physical dmg (consider that as SK you are going straight into the fire). The active also feels more SK-like, for 6 seconds any spell usage against you is punished (and you have the armor from the item in case they go on you right-clicking!). It is more expensive but since the lvl 10 talent change you are not building tranquils anymore (am I right?) so you can just disassemble your arcanes and voila, not that expensive anymore.

            What do you think?

            EDIT: And the cooldown and mana cost are both lower!
            EDIT: You move around blinking, burrowing and forcestaffing so do you need that MS anyways?
            EDIT: And you can dispel your friends! (but cannot do the same to your opponents)
            EDIT: This is not a gamebreaking discovery, just want to make sure that this feels right.

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            doc joferlyn simp

              Eul's Scepter can be used in conjunction with other disables to set them up. After you initial Burrow in the enemy is of course going to send some spells your way, and with Eul's you can disjoint all of that. Sand King has too much impact to be lost immediately or be taken low enough such that he'll have to back away if his allies don't have heals. The item can also be used as another disable in itself. Many times people just TP immediately after you use Burrow, so you will have no way to stop it. It can also remove debuffs from yourself and buffs from enemies. Or just act like a kiting tool vs a God Strength'd Sven pre-BKB, or an Enraged Ursa.

              At this point we are just listing out the strengths of each item in scenarios that we made ourselves anyway to support our own argument. Both our points are valid, and it all boils down to what the player prefers or understands from the game he is in.


                Well to begin with, arcanes on Sand King are terrible. Don't build that shit if you want to actually win games.

                And regarding lotus orb, you already said it. It's more expensive and it fucks up your tempo.
                The armor is useless on Sand King since you don't want to be taking damage at all during fights, so why promote it? Promoting that kind of style is only useful in a lategame environment when you get the health regen talent backed up by some survivability items and a blade mail on top.
                The active is situationally better against low cd shit like corrosive haze and track but ultimately doesn't cut it. Also the euls disable provides some underrated utility.

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                    Sand King is kind of about avoiding damage rather than sponging it, like a Puck is, and with a euls and a blink he's going to be nearly impossible to kill, is he not? Seems legit to me.


                      Well my opinion on arcanes is obviously biased, but I didn't say that Lotus is bad. I just said that its more situational than Euls. As you can see in my match history I do build Lotus occasionally as well...

                      Maybe I did say it somehow, but I didn't mean it that way for sure

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                        to debuff silence.
                        to cancel TP (incase you use your stun then ult)


                          Euls is a fine pickup when you need to survive in a teamfight, catch someone(tinker example) or need to dispell

                          But i dont recommend it every game.


                            Sk is also a very slippery hero, in conjunction with euls he's like a puck, euls into blink, euls them and tp, aghs burrow from radiant t1 top to dire t3 bot, with aether lens. I feel like it makes him more survivable


                              Also, mana regen


                                Thanks bro for the answer, i will build eul if i face invoker or treant etc. And i didnt know that eul can debuff lol
                                For late game i prefer shiva than lotus, i just have a great feeling when combine epi, burrow, and shiva at the same time


                                  Well It can be used for escape with dagger and Borrow Strike

                                  And also to debuff some spells and items like orchid eblade etc


                                    Euls is an ok item if you want to remove silences, dust and other negative buffs, also an additional disable.

                                    ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                      @smurf but i think eul won't dispel rot from treant....
                                      (correct me if im wrong).

                                      If you face more problem with rot (meepo, siren, treant, rod of atos), force staff will be a bit more helpful.
                                      (I mean, it can make you move from rot effect... )