General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow demon mechanics

Shadow demon mechanics in General Discussion

    While they are being disrupted can I use w on them and it still affects them or do I have to wait till the disruption is over?


      u can use it in disruption


        What about dusts?


          U can use all of sd's skills thru disruption but not items.


            All of his skills can affect heroes under disruption. Use disruption to ensure you can land your W.

            What about dusts?

            Dust or any other abilities don't apply their effects (aside from healing) while the target is disrupted. You and your team should be using disruption so you can position yourself to follow up with dust.


              Thanks for the advice.


                If you buy agh his ult dont stack at 1 ppl r8?

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                  [SNRA]King Dave

                    Damage instances do stack.


                      i know u wont deal ulti dmg if u disrupt when dmg should be released but using W will do

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                        Damage instances do stack.

                        Damn, had no idea it worked this way. Pretty disgusting considering his level 25 talent.

                        i know u wont deal ulti dmg if u disrupt when dmg should be released but using W will do

                        Your ultimate does do damage if the target is disrupted.


                          The whole point of aghs sd, is that soul catcher+eblade+triple ulti is retarded dmg. Add dagon for memes. Actually u know ehome vs eg game 1 at ti? How eg one shotted iceiceice's timber (i think it was iceiceice but i very well cud be wrong)? Well its cuz they had soul catcher on him, eblade debuff, and ice vortex, then dagon, which is 120% amp on dagon meaning a 1760 dmg dagon, with m res factored thats 1560 (i think check my math).


                            Tldr stacking amp is retarded (stacks additively)


                              I'll have to take a look at that match, that sounds hilarious.


                                It's only the single greatest game in dota 2 history, wouldn't bother watching.