General Discussion

General DiscussionComparing Earth Spirit and Tusk

Comparing Earth Spirit and Tusk in General Discussion

    Earth Spirit is my most played hero and I am looking into learning Tusk. Both fill a similar roll I feel. I have only played a few games with Tusk and they felt awkward to me. On top of that, I felt like anything I could do, I could do better with Earth Spirit. ES I feel has a more reliable stun (that can also be used to knock enemies away of push an ally away if needed), a 4 second silence that hits multiple targets, an escape ability and in general I feel a better team fight presence. Some advantages I can think of with Tusk are that his ulti is on a low cooldown and pierces spell immunity, his sigil is decent in a team fight and can be used for scouting, and you can save allies with snowball. But in general, I feel ES just contributes more both in the early game and late game. Please correct me if I am wrong and enlighten me on the true strengths of Tusk, because I think he is a cool hero. I have tried watching people play him (7k plus people) and I haven't really seen anyone do that great with him.

    Thoughts anyone?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Don't forget 3 seconds invulnerability in snowball for your allies


        es is free win hero if u rekt Sf or tinker midd and buy aether, lotus under 25 min

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 d2bowie does a pretty good job of outlining tusk's strengths

          Ice shards is your best friend. Learn to use it properly to dominate games (it's pretty easy to screw up at the start I suppose so watch out for that)


            Shards is way more retarded than es, and tusk scales better than es. Also snowball is a save and his snowball dmg talent is rather good. Snowball can help ur whole team initiate.


              tusk is now very good offlane carry, basically how you need to play it is: dont feed early, try avoid fights unless its 100% kill, get shadow blade, phase boots and the ngames becomes ez, even until the very late game you can make 1 hit 1 kills.
              check my latest matches with tusk, you will know what im talking about.

              and btw. dont listen to those noobs who say you initiate with snowball.
              you always go shadow blade which gives great damage and which will be even further multiplied by your ulti, after that snowball and shards, kills all the shit.

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              1-IceTea 🌟

                Tusk good at post 3,4(you have to farm more) ES 4,5.
                Try solo pick off with tusk he good at that


                  We rnt necessarily talking abt core tusk, who obv wud go sb. Support tusk wudnt need sb, i wud go phase urn solar blink/crimson/pipe/sb/vlads or something


                    Core items on support tusk are refesher and aghs, to kick 2 people away from fights, trust me I tried this when playing with my 1k friends, instants 3v5 scenario, instant gg


                      Aghs tusk rekts mk tho LUL.


                        when some 2k explains how core tusk works...

                        yeah bro we hear you! tell us more

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          wow both heroes can summon spheric objects to move them around they're so similar!


                            ^they both function as roaming heroes with saves and stuns, there r better comparisons but its rlly not that bad. Theyre both strength too. I think tusk compares better to earthshaker.


                              thrust me, every mid guy would rather have es on his team, but tusk is not bad tho, its just that es Is better...lately I can see tusk more of an position 3


                                Looks like everyone has a different view on this. Thanks for the link to that match Daddy and thanks for the link Pilot. Looks like there is more to Tusk than I thought :D


                                  Very versatile hero
                                  Gl in ur tusk quest