General Discussion

General DiscussionQuas, Wex invoker is better? (OPINION and give me advice pls :( )

Quas, Wex invoker is better? (OPINION and give me advice pls :( ) in General Discussion
Cyril iyot soysoy

    Ok i've been playing invoker for quite a while now and i've been going for the Quas Wex build, (wex 1st). I know invoker is that kind of hero who is very versatile on his team, but i always stick with that 1 build which is Quas, Wex and then i can build any crap i want.

    i really dont mean to trigger all those Quas, Exort players, i mean i've tried Quas, Exort before, but i actually find Quas, Wex a bit more useful in reasons of:

    -I can easily block creep waves in starting of the game

    - Ganks are fast paced and easy
    -Im actually there when my team actually needs me, and technically use sunstrike a bit less.
    -There would be actual teamwork
    -Less kills, but a fast game which is good.
    -I know i couldn't last hit better without exort or blades of attack but meh team needs me.

    Before you throw any crap on me, i'm not a pro invoker player, I've been using invoker in pubs (All lose, but invoker gameplay is actually good XD ) and no i don't mean to say Quas, Exort sucks, but what i really want is advice to invoker XD

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    BSJ. LGD

      wex exort


        Since the forge spirit nerf I enjoy spamming alacrity with ring of basilius and raindrop on the lane, always ready to cold snap, sunstrike, icewall or meteeoooor


          Depends on your team composition and enemy team. You should learn to play both.