General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes to spam in 1K

Heroes to spam in 1K in General Discussion
Farm then Carry

    So I found 2 heroes that I want to spam, namely lc and centaur.
    what should be my 3rd hero?


      Hero that you enjoy playing
      Preferably support


        literally anything

        The Medic Guy

          anything is work at 1k


            spam naix and wk

            all role player

              Anything with carry LV 1-2 not like hard carries like' Spectre am


                anything but io


                  carry io would be legit in 1k actually


                    i suggest night stalker or bloodseeker really effective on 1k bracket

                    white boy summer

                      just go mid, outfarm/outplay your opponent and gank struggling lanes after your first core item. thats what i did and i went from 1400 to 2900 in a month or less (i spammed ember since 1ks cant deal with veil build)


                        If you are try harding spam alch. Farm for 30 min and you pusb =wingames.
                        Things to learn= minimal 15 min radi afk farm jungle 30 min
                        Item build= soul ring,boots,radi,bot,manta,octa,whatever you want
                        Goal= 6slotted before 40 min
                        This is the easiest way to get mmr in 1-2k but its quite boring if you spam him.

                        white boy summer

                          not in 2k tho, idk but in 2.7k your team focuses down the one who is fed, making comebacks easily if you wanna 1man carry without escape. thats why i say ember and other escapers are better in 2k cuz they cant easily focus u down


                            Then get armlet my friend alch is almost invincible in 10-15 min with hit armlet+ulti on.


                              SPamming is bad idea, better counter pick enemy heroes and be immortal for them


                                chen carry in 1k is legit


                                  Anything with carry LV 1-2 not like hard carries like' Spectre am



                                    One thing I learned was that you just need to pick a hero you are comfortable with and can push super fast with it since a lot of time in low mmr brackets they dont have tp scrolls and you take barracks and win.


                                      NO WAY JUST CREATE NEW ACCOUNT

                                      Zero's resurrection

                                        Junglers or push heroes like TA clinkz work welll. Practice PMA in your games and dont be afraid to tell your teammates what to do. It works. Especially if you're playing support getting wards and creating game impact people will have that much more of a reason to listen to you. Be super nice and mute if they're mean.

                                        Mike Ehrmantraut Gaming

                                          Spirit breaker is great, the enemy team will tend to give up if they get steamrolled early game.


                                            that moment when there are IO carry jungle spammer who are 7k+ mmr and scrubs can't win out of 1k with any hero.



                                              Just play whatever u like, and play it a lot, and u will get good. There may be certain positions with more or less impact later, but i guarentee in 1k it doesnt matter.


                                                Pick PA. Shes retard proof u can't fail with her.

                                                мне похуй на игру

                                                  Wisp, supporting is a pretty good way to win in 1k.

                                                  I'd pick passive supports and play lots of heroes.
                                                  Dazzle sounds like some mmr boosting to me.


                                                    how you dont understand boys, that all heroes are good.
                                                    YOu can master anything, find heroes that are fun to play with :)