General Discussion

General DiscussionI'm in the low bracket and I need some serious help.

I'm in the low bracket and I need some serious help. in General Discussion

    Hey guys. I can provide a few match id's but here is a screenshot of my last 13 games.

    Essentially, I can play a couple of heros and I have about 4-5 heros that counter the pub regulars. I got out of 700 MMR and I was just about to close in on 1100 but got tilted in a couple of games.

    I mainly play Slardar, Underlord, Luna, Mirana and Omni-knight. I can just about manage againts PA, Weaver and Riki. I'll usually kite enemy carries like WK or Sniper but it's still very difficult to counter these heavy dps line-ups. My lastest match was againts Necrophos in the mid-lane and he single-handedly won the match. So now, ontop of the typical heroes I have to counter, I must also make another strategy againts Necro and honestly, the hero just feels abit broken.
    Top it off with one of those idle players and you essentially get an auto-loss every five games or so. I also had a look at Slark but I'm not sure if he's a good hero to spam. Otherwise, I always encounter really broken builds and lose at the pick screen.

    My MMR is at 1,043 but I think I can make it to 1200 MMR. Although I'm not entirely sure how to go about it in terms of strategy.


      You focus too much on matchups but at your level most people don't know how to abuse the strengths of their heroes
      Focus on getting farmed and snowballing and you can reach at least 2k easily

      Over 9,000ping

        You play too much ranked in one day.


          no need any strategy at all to reach 3k you literally can first pick ANYTHING or even go 5 carry lineup then win the game
          and you die too much

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