General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to deal with nerves

How to deal with nerves in General Discussion
Player 123655765

    Is it just me or do you feel like nervous whenever you're close to achieving your goal. You feel like you're going to mess up things. or is it just hard to climb from 2.6k to 3k. climbing from 2k to 2.6 wasn't so hard but now that I'm getting closer to 3k i feel like I can't do it. How do you deal with this kind of anxiety? it's messing up with my games. thanks in advance


      just scream like a retard on mic

      Player 123655765

        Can't, I'd be the autistic kid screaming in a computer cafe just because he lost some computer game.


          The only time i got the shakes from a video game was staking in runescape.

          In Dota the only thing on the line are virtual points, dont stress it. If youre a real 3k player then youll win it back even if you lose a few.


            i think this gap is the hardest one in dota(2500-3000), probably stuck there too and always crying about that

            Player 123655765

              I know Dota is just a game, and MMR is just a number. but how do I satisfy my ego and my pride of climbing from 2k toxicity and stepping out of those autistic and retarded kids like me? any retarded kids will have the same goal, to be the most retarded one and be at the top. but seriously freaking climb is hard. planning to play some normal match first until I gather some confidence.


                Don't worry buddy, once u hit 3k & 4k the autism continues....

                casual gamer

                  the autism continues

                  the invisible subtitle under DOTA 2

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                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    When I first play Dota2 I jungle,never hit below 2K9.

                    Don't thanks me I,just keep it deep in your heart,I am always here to help :smile:

                    casual gamer

                      the only real solution is to play more games at your rank until it becomes normal


                        Just play u will forget about it when u focus on the game

                        Player 123655765

                          You know if you get used to the autism and retardation you'll somehow miss it when it's gone. "You either quit as a sane one or play long enough to be the retarded kid". so yeah I think the autism really continues because deep inside every player have that hidden autism inside waiting to be triggered. Some just had it overflowing.

                          Player 123655765

                            thanks guys, yeah probably going to play normal matches first til I become comfortable.


                              this happens to me everytime from 1900-2k to 2400-2500 to 2900-3k to 3400-3500

                              all i did was think to myself that if i could climb the 400 points to get here, why wont i be able to get the last 100 points?

                              tho i do agree ladder anxiety is a thing, but u also got to remember this is ultimately just a game to have fun with xD