General Discussion

General DiscussionAnyone experiencing similar problems?

Anyone experiencing similar problems? in General Discussion

    This gonna be weird as fuck, but the first match of the day feels rusty as fuck for me.

    Like, controling camera, missing lasthits(more than I should) and just in general playing like I never played Dota before.

    After 30 mins everything is back to normal.

    It's like everything bothers me. Position of my mouse, mousepad, mouse feelsweird, etc.

    Am I alone in this? It's like you're playing Dota on another PC.

    casual gamer

      my only issue is that if i lose the first match of the day theres a 30% chance i will lose 5 more matches in a row


        thats why u go into training mode with -wtf mode and spend there 10 mins so ur ready to get that mmr going up