General Discussion

General Discussionwhat is gonna happen to me if i reach 4k using a jungle wraith king?

what is gonna happen to me if i reach 4k using a jungle wraith king? in General Discussion

    will i not be able to play that role anymore?

    not arin

      you will get reported and play low prio every 3 ranked matches


        in spite of the fact that jungle wk is a top-tier pick in 3k, i just feel like picking a 2nd support would have a greater impact on the game in the vhs bracket, would it not? i only play this now because its basically free mmr if you dont afk jungle and tp to a lane to stun whoever overextends.


          You'll start playing vs people who will punish the lanes more because wraith king doesn't really do anything for 15-20 mins.
          They'll just snowball their lead and make you play under serious pressure and with no map control,
          this will happen at least 50% of the time.

          This will ultimately cause you to go on tilt and you'll lose 2 or 300 mmr over a short space of time
          then you can say hello to your 3k match making again

          1-IceTea 🌟

            YOUR KING IS HERE,peasant,you try to copy me?

            basement :)

              You will catch lice.

              1-IceTea 🌟

                ^Shut up 4.5K I jungle only and higher mmr then u


                  Seems like u made this thread for Lice. don't you know he does it? But of course it's just where he starts. The other 60% of the game is where it counts. And licetea sucks up all the farm from his carry. Lul

                  basement :)

                    I will catch lice if I am too close to your mmr.


                      be aware, i only pick jungle wk if all 3 lanes have been taken and i do not trust our cores enough to go for a support myself. i mean id check profile and see if our carries average gpm is lower than 500 etc... which i suppose become less and less relevant as i increase my own mmr.


                        idk usually after i get treads and another item such as armlet/bm or whatever i just go fight (if my team needs to take fights)... which usually is around the 10 minute mark. if needed id assist a lane with just treads of course.

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