General Discussion

General DiscussionThe best guide for 1k or below ppl.

The best guide for 1k or below ppl. in General Discussion
Use chatwhell=mute

    Play with unfair bots until u beat them like feels easily. Bots will do same builds same movements. No toxic. Hope u ppl learn from out smart bots and farm properly. And analyse the games. As former 1k person i know the pain.
    It does not require internet connection btw :D


      I can confirm
      My winrate speaks for itself


        unfair bots play worse than 1ks


          Unfair bot is like -25 mmr


            Still a decent and untilting way to learn how to 1v9 for noobs

            Use chatwhell=mute

              @cookie no bots are worse than 1k

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Sounds legit


                  I used to have really bad internet connection and used to play 1/2 games per day against unfair bot.

                  It's good to learn new heroes but it will queeckly worsen your play because you will gain some bad habit that works only against bot.

                  Btw I feel like playing against unfair bot is easier since 7.00. Before the enemy team would try to chainstun you everytime and your teamate would feed without using their spell. Now your team can even win without you :p


                    Let me tell you what to do as I recently entered 2k.
                    1. Get meepo
                    2. Tab W Tab W Tab W Tab W
                    3. Use travels take towers.
                    4. Win mmr