General Discussion

General DiscussionHoM on AA

HoM on AA in General Discussion

    I'm not sure when to go midas on AA and when to skip it.

    Buy it always unless you get kills nonstop?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      For the Agh's


        I think if you desperately need some sort of defensive item right away (force, glimmer) you get that first. Otherwise you generally get Midas since it gets you to the aghs and it gets you the levels you need for lvl 3 ult.


          AA need Midas, boy. Why AA need Midas? For fast get Aghs & lvl 3 ult. But u must play pos 4 not 5.


            start items:
            Gloves of Haste
            pull not stop dont leech exp carry unless u need help or kill
            10 -15 min u have midas
            Mostly farm jungle with midas get aghanim

            Check my lifestealer game i had imba suport AA he was 8 slotted suport xD with 10 k gold left