General Discussion

General DiscussionTinker dagon actually so bad

Tinker dagon actually so bad in General Discussion
Bill Cutting

    I have finally realised this...

    Literally only good when u stomping after Hex.

    casual gamer

      i never buy this anymore. only if my team desperately needs damage and even then i will probably get aether agh sheep bs first lol

      casual gamer

        tinker hates people using bkb

        dagon is useless against bkb

        sheep counters bkb

        tinker hates people going on him

        dagon is useless against people going on him

        sheep counters people going on him

        aghs is more damage than dagon

        aghs costs less mana tha ndagon


          Aghs is more boring than dagon


            i mean its not that bad. It just should be like a last item.


              whats ur average timing on hex

              casual gamer

                good game: 24-27 after aether

                bad game: 29-31 after aether

                rushing hex is a new thing for me i used to always get aghs right after aether but ive decided a lot of games hex is better mainly when their carry or mid is stacked or they have an obnoxious hero like storm that i dont want to deal with. it also is a lot more mana which makes playing around shit much easier

                after agh like 31-35 from what i see. the builds kinda fluid and it depends A LOT on game state and blink aether timing

                idk how you can think aghs is boring when it lets you kill everyone by urself. dagons like a stupid meme item for pickoffs but sheeps better for pickoffs anyway unless you rush dagon before aether which is retarded.

                in terms of damage dagon is very mana hungry and also is low range if unleveled. its nice but most teams need more aoe or disable a lot more than they need more single target

                u can see my timings

                Ce commentaire a été édité

                  oh i can actually see timings on matches tab? nice thanks

                  Bill Cutting

                    I'm still new to Tinker but I'm sure u can get every kill with sheep that u got with Dagon.

                    It's just flashy which is sometimes cool 😎

                    Ce commentaire a été édité

                      Haha I used to watch those miracle games where he goes 31-0 with eblade Dagon tinker and basically jack off to it, when I first started playing Dota, the fluidity of eblade into laser and the Dagon during cast animation of laser made me want to always play Dagon tinker, but after 2/3 games I started going aghs, hex and shivas/bloodstone. Makes a lot more sense


                        dagon 5s so good lol




                            Dagon is bad


                              dagon is just a meme item

                              you get it as an insult to the enemy, like picking a windranger


                                dagon is imba just need bloodstone with him

                                Fee Too Pee

                                  sometimes i tried the build like this and quite good well (in my opinion but oh well)

                                  so usual core : soul ring , travel , dagger
                                  then aether lens , aghs
                                  and then dagon lvl 1
                                  make bloodstone then upgrade the dagon to lvl max

                                  because dagon lvl 1 is the little nice burst to have but having more mana is better than upgrade the dagon


                                    And thats how you throw away the slot for hex


                                      Buy against timber ?

                                      Fee Too Pee

                                        idk pls do not bash me
                                        i am not a fan of hex on tinker

                                        i prefer keeping the whole team blind and delete them with dagon
                                        with hex idk, i just keep hexing them and they just do not die

                                        DID YOU KNOW REARMING AND REARMING AND KEEP HEXING IS SO SCARY FOR TINKER HIMSELF? - why i do not like hex

                                        prefer shivas aghs more if i need to buy something other than dagon after aghs
                                        i can actually survive physical damages after a wrong move

                                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                                          Dagon is bad, leave it at level 1 it's okay, level 5 total waste of gold, perma hex is always superior


                                            Dagon 5 on tinker is actually so good stop triggering me pls. You guys just don't know how to play with it


                                              I would like to know why you think using hex continously is bad

                                              casual gamer

                                                im going to keep triggering you look at all the shivas and sheeps and no dagons xaxaxaxa

                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                  I never said hex is bad

                                                  not a fan of rearming every second and if something fuck up happen (get stunned , caught ) ( u need to approach near enemy a lot ) perma-hex canceled , u still not killed the target and where you are?
                                                  very near of your prey with 1/2 health
                                                  since u only have rocket laser damage + rearm as damage ( u need a LOT of rearm to kill )

                                                  thats scary bruh, rearming laser rocket hex and do it multiples time BUT NEAR THE ENEMY
                                                  as tinker i prefer keep a long range and spamming nukes afar
                                                  i think hex is kinda not viable when enemy have LOT of stuns since your perma hex will be easily cancelled


                                                    tinker with hex aghanim build is same like dagon e blade bloodstone build u will win every game

                                                    casual gamer

                                                      u dont stand there channeling rearm in the middle of the fight lol


                                                        guys why not hex AND dagon. Now you have damage and lock down. Dagon still I feel should be your last item.


                                                          hex and dagon ok too all those item are good together just veil Greaves orchid sb ( i see those tinkers ) are complete bullshit retards made


                                                            We all know what aether does right?


                                                              I think dagon is used on acc booster because if you get like 17min dagon you can just tp laser missile and dagon smbd and they are dead