General Discussion

General Discussioni cannot win dota 2 game

i cannot win dota 2 game in General Discussion
casual gamer

    dota 2 game loser


      G I T G U D Y O U 5 K S C R U B


        You obviously don't deserve 5k like I do
        Wanna swap acc so we can both play on the bracket we deserve?

        1-IceTea 🌟

          ^Agree JDF8 swap with this human

          casual gamer

            i htink its just tough adjusting to 0 caffeine intake, plus tilt

            as dumb as that sounds

            also this made me sad rofl


              0 caffeine intake,didn't know u are in al quaeda man

              Negative Mental Attitude

                Give me ur account JDF8
                U'll be down to 3k in 2 weeks then u can start winning some games :D

                casual gamer



                    sign me up fam


                      used to be 4.9
                      now i'm one game away from low 4k again fucking GREAT

                      casual gamer

                        its ok just pick tinker


                          i used to be 3.9k

                          now im 3.9k again



                            i would love to play with this 2k seatards
                            lets make some lobby luxemburg

                            and btw if want 7k or anything spam tinker




                                im not winning even with slardar or ta

                                not sure if tinker will help


                                  i feel u op

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    at least im not the only one who cant win for their life


                                      im barely winning even with weaver

                                      feelsfucking good to be only person whos not farming and eat doom and bh each time i approach enemy building


                                        i cant lose xD


                                          feels good im done with my red days :)

                                          Kaiki Deishu

                                            Yeah me too I'm on a losing streak on my main acc and it dropped to 3.9k mmr T_T sad life.

                                            casual gamer

                                              ok tinkers actually the only way to win these awful fucking games

                                              chatlogs a real laugh though

                                              Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                They broke my solo queue matchmaking I can't find games anymore. 7k dream is dead...


                                                  why dont try bloodstone dagon after blink


                                                    What do you mean? You can't find matches at all?


                                                      I can't find low average matches at all, haven't seen a game average lower than 5.8 since the changes. This is good sometimes when there's heaps of other people searching but outside of peak hours it makes finding a game literally impossible, just got the legendary 99:99 queue. I know this is something they've changed because I have hit 6.5k before without running into queue time issues. At this point I may as well try one of those ping reducing programs and go try SEA.

                                                      Ce commentaire a été édité

                                                        If u want high avg just go to the most inflated server


                                                          SEA is inflated