General Discussion

General Discussionhello guys please comment here, really appreciate it

hello guys please comment here, really appreciate it in General Discussion

    5 best offlanero?
    5 best semi supp hero?
    5 best hard carry safelane?
    in the current patch, just leave yr comment here. it would help me much. Thanks


      new patch was just released, no one knows for sure yet

      the realm's delight

        same as last patch


          i believe in doom


            just tell me what hero u think are still good, im planning to learn and focus on specific hero. sometime i play i dont know what to pick and just pick the hero i always play.


              slardar underlord centaur offlane
              roaming fucking pudge fuck this hero
              slark jugg luna


                tusk might be strong in the offlane now
                need to test it first though

                EMO THUG

                  hardcarry safelane: luna, wk, am, terror, pa or jugg
                  offlane: weaver,cent, enigma, mirana
                  supps: ogre, sd, warlock, wd, lion


                    Warlock is bad, mirana is not that good offlane, wk often times sucks. Knock pa and tb off the list too, tho they rnt bad. I wud add venge to support list and disruptor cuz disruptor is bae.

                    casual gamer

                      venge cm support life

                      rubick against enigma, good against sd luna also



                      casual gamer

                        i stole bh 7 times in one game and got 2 teamwipes, still lose 4head

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          cm's being buffed for how many consecutive patches alrdy?