General Discussion

General DiscussionBattlefury

Battlefury in General Discussion

    Aside from AM, who benefits from this item?
    All other carries who used to use this a staple item have been changed almost completely.

    PA could still use it, if you have a carry that will help her befit from it (Magnus / Enigma), but the Deso+Vlads build has almost completely removed a BF PA from Dota.

    Ember goes magic damage build more often than not.

    Jugg benefits WAY more from Attack Speed given from Manta/Diff/Butterfly/Mjonlir.

    Does Battlefury, the metta, or heroes in general need to change in order for this item to become more relevant to dota?
    Does anyone think it will get remodeled - in a similar way that Helm was? Maybe change some stats?

    casual gamer

      the meta has to change or the item has to change

      the bfury buffs put it at where it was or slightly better, the cleave would have to be ridiculously good to be purchaseable as a fighting item except in extremely niche scenarios, and its too expensive to put into a farming item in almost every game.

      when i see a carry is building this item i just want to 5 man, which is already what people usually do. because its like -4k net worth for their team almost

      doc joferlyn simp

        They need to add more stats to the item.


          With 6 bf sven u cleave for 60%+6*35%=270%

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              Problem is it is too expensive. Still a farming item


                Radiance instead of bf on am?
                Bf instead of radiance on naga?
                Theyre both farming items


                  ^Shit idea.


                    ^Jebaited by shit post


                      i played ranked game now with jugg bf and can say its muh better than mjolnir jugg


                        I think its basically become situational on every hero it was core on except for am. Pa and Jugg are both work fine with the item its just there are better builds


                          Good item on kunkka. Bf + echo


                            bf on ember is super bad now


                              Why does kunka need bf.


                                BF kunkka is like shadow blade TA, dagon lion, or AM dagger


                                  Is sit because there's a prophet on the other team?

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