General Discussion

General DiscussionSlow tempo heroes

Slow tempo heroes in General Discussion

    Are heroes like enigma and tide still viable in 5k+? Especially against stuff like ld or sd&luna.


      tide is a trashcan hero, everything tide does slardar does better


        Enigma is pretty good, you actually have strong laning and useful skills outside of your ultimate, tide is ass.


          I mean tide isnt good, but how is he outclassed by slardar? If anything tide wins over slardar in laning phase and loses at ganking and even teamfighting in a way. Ive been seeing a lot of pros run offlane enigma



            With the current line up of Carries and mids, Slardar's blink into stun + Negative armor ult make him a harder hitting tide. Tide is just more durable than Slardar, and his big aoe ult can be blocked by bkb.

            It's also quite sad in terms of damage that Tide can put out compared to slardar. Slardar can also chase heroes more effectivly as well.


              Tide puts out more damage himself, slardar enables his carries to output more damage. Tide lanes better than slardar and rekts melee cores. Tide farms better than slardar. Slardar initiates better but tide team fights better. Tide is way harder to kill. The biggest difference is slardar is way way way more active and less item dependent. Tbh i can see a tide build utilizing gush more to be more active but i still cant compare it to slardar. Slardar is fater than tide. Slardar has way bigger uptime.

              Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

                Lmao, they're both good heroes. At the end of the day they both offer something which will depend on team composition. If my team is team fight oriented like say Luna, I'd probably pick the tide because of the early mek / greaves. If we're going for individual pick offs / quick fights / countering invi heroes like weaver riki etc then slardar would be the better option I think.


                  why <5kers respond

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                      The meta is around squishy hero since there is ember and ld so slad is better to just blink crust ult=dead hero






                            enigma is great in the offlane to hinder the farm of the enemy safelane carry.

                            you can repeatedly deny the range creeps and thereby deny a lot of XP.

                            Also when the support rotates the eidolons can harrass the enemy carry hard. (unless its a sven or luna ofc)

                            One other benefit is if you get harrassed too mich you can farm the neutrals around the bounty rune spot easly. situational good in offlane specifically to delay enemy farm.

                            otherwise he is awesome if you draft him correctly.
                            an enemy team with some ranged stuns will always cancel black hole. enemy heros that are good in picking up supports that stay behind of the teamfight (slark for example) will also give you a hard time since in teamfights you want to stay back out of vision to blink in at the right moment and drop black hole.

                            he is an awesome ganker if you play him jungle. a good gank to the safelane when the lane is pushed towards your tower always gets me easy kills.

                            smoke up and gank midlane also very easy to pull off with the nice stun from enigma.

                            if you have bad positioning skills enigma sucks, its key to play him well.

                            maybe in higher skill brackets people are aware that they shouldnt blob up though